
  • early life

    early life
    Toussaint Louverture was born in Bréda, French Colony Saint Domingue (Haiti). His real name is François Dominique Toussaint and since birth, was a slave.
  • freedom

    Toussaint was freed from slavery at the age of 33. He later then married a woman named Suzanne Simone
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The start of the Haitian revolution. He lead the slave revolt and was considered one of the most successful slave rebellion. This slave revolt was the only one to lead to a founding state.
  • Spanish vs French war

    Spanish vs French war
    Toussaint joined the Spanish Military. He wanted to seize Saint-Domingue from the French.
  • Switching Sides

    Switching Sides
    Toussaint switched from Spain to the French Military because France abolished slavery.
  • End of War

    End of War
    The war between the French and Spanish end.
  • Big Things

    Big Things
    Treaties with the British are made. They complete their withdrawal from Hispanola.
  • New Control

    New Control
    His forces take over the Spanish territory. Toussaint frees the slaves and takes command of the island by doing so. This made him the Governor-General for life.
  • Captured

    Toussaint gets invited to a french meeting where he is captured and sent to Fort-de-Joux. there he is constricted and questioned multiple times.
  • french invasion

    french invasion
    Toussaint tried to steady his position by claiming support from France but Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to re-establish control over the island. January 1802 General Charles Leclerc starts a french invasion that lasted months. In May of 1802, Toussaint agreed to let go of his arms in exchange for the General to not restore slavery on the island
  • passing of a great leader

    passing of a great leader
    In April 1803, he dies in his jail cell