Period: to
Totalitarianism The Inter-war Period
Lenin and the Bolsheviks
Lenin studied the ideas of Karl Marx. He changed Marxist ideas to Russian conditions. Marx predicted that the "industrial working class would rise spontaneously to overthrow capitalism.", but Russia did not have a large working class. So, he called for a better class to lead the revolution and set up a "dictatorship of the proletariat." This group became known as the Bolsheviks. -
Lenin returns
Germany saw a chance to weaken its enemy by helping Lenin return to the Russian frontier from exile. So, in April, Lenin arrived in Petrograd (saint Petersburg). -
The November Revolution
Lenin and Leon Trotsky, another Marxist revolutionary worked together in furthering the revolution. Lenin and the Bolsheviks promised many angry Russians "Peace, Land, and food." The provisional government soon made a new offensive against Germany. -
Under Seige
Lenin sought peace with Germany after the Bolshevik Revolution. Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, giving up a large amount of its population and territory in the east to end the fighting on the eastern front. The newly formed Red Army battled the whites, counterrevolutionaries still loyal to the czar. The Allies were betrayed by the Russian treaty and decided to interfere. Japan seized land in East Asia. Britain, France, and the US sent forces to help the Whites. -
Mussolini creates the Fascist Party
Italians were angered by the results of WWI. Not only did Italy lost a great number of casualties, Italians were not granted the land they were promised and they felt betrayed. To fix this problem, Mussolini stepped in to fix this problem by organizing a group of nationalists called the Black Shirts, and the name of this type of group is called Fascio di Combattimento. -
Struggles of the Weimar Republic
In 1919, the new German Republic made constitution in the city of Wiemar. It created a democratic government known as the Wiemar Republic. It set up a parliamentary type of government led by a prime minister, or chancellor. Men and women were also given the right to vote. The Wiemar gov't, however, faced problems from the start. -
Hitler Joins NSDAP
Hitler joined a small group of extremists.Within a year, Hitler became leader of this group. Hitler organized members into fighting squads, and these squads fought against communists and any others they saw as enemies. -
Reds win the Civil War
The Communists defeated their enemies. The whites surrendered and the Reds built the USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic). Russia, however, was left in ruins from famine striking the lands, bad economy, and strains left from WWI. -
Lenin Builds a Communist State
Lenin was now the leader of Russia. He turned to his original Marxist goal of building a classless society. In 1922, the communists produced a constitution that seemed both socialist and democratic. It was called the Supreme Soviet, and gave all citizens over the age of 18 the right to vote. The means of production, political power, and resources were put in the hands of workers and peasants. -
Lenin's Economic Policy (NEP)
"war Communism" brought the economy near collapse, so Lenin stopped. In 1921, Lenin adopted the New Economic Policy (NEP). It allowed some capitalist ventures. The state kept control over banks, foreign trade, and large industries, but , small businesses were allowed to open for private profit. Peasants were also allowed to hold small land plots and sell their crops freely. The economy became stable again and food and industry production increased. -
Mussolini was made prime minister
Mussolini was made prime minister of Italy -
Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler went to a beer hall in Munich with hopes to take over Bavaria while the Nazis were in Munich speaking about the new rule. Meanwhile, Hitler took the government officials captive and gave a speech about his planned overthrow. After Hitler left to check on the Nazis, the officials escaped and Hitler was arrested. -
Lenin Dies
Lenin dies by stroke -
Stalin Gains Power
After Lenin's death in 1924, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin both were involved in a power struggle. Stalin was not a scholar, but a shrewd political operator. They both differed on issues such as the future of communism. Trotsky wanted a revolution against capitalism, but Stalin took a more cautious view and wanted to build socialism at home first. -
Mein Kampf
Hitler writes his book when he was jailed. His book is about anti-antisemitism, and the hatred for jews -
Period: to
The developments of the world
This is when agriculture stated earning people money. This includes all classes from the richest to peasants. Japan also started gaining power and started to dominate in Asis -
Fascist Youth
Shaping the young was a major Fascist goal. Fascist youth groups toughened children and taught them to obey strict military discipline. "Mussolini is always right." A generation of young soldiers stood ready to defend Il Duce's drive to expand Italian power. -
Japan invades Manchuria
In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria in northeastern China, adding it to the growing Japanese Empire -
Nazis win the election
Four years prior, the Nazis had only won 2.8 % of the national vote, but over time they had used propaganda to become more popular. By the end of the 1932 election, the Nazis had 37 % of the vote, making them the largest party in Germany. -
Hitler is elected chancellor
Hitler is elected chancellor. spread his ideas of Antisemitism and his nationalistic idea of making Germany a strictly German community. To make Hitler look more powerful, the Nazis adopted the swastika as the symbol of their party. -
The Great Purge
Stalin's power was absolute, however, he had fears that rival party leaders were plotting against him. In 1934, he launched the "Great Purge." In this reign of terror, Stalin's secret police cracked down on Old Bolsheviks. He targeted army heroes, industrial managers, writers, and ordinary citizens -
Italy Invades Ethiopia
Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. The Ethiopians resisted as much as they could, but their out-dated weaponry was no match to Mussolini’s machine guns, tanks, poison gas etc. -
Hitler's Challenge
He tested the will of the western democracies and found it weak. He build up the German military in defiance of the Versailles treaty. Then, in 1936, he sent troops to the Rhineland, which was another treaty violation. The western powers appeased to ignored Germany. -
Hitler wanted to expand his cleaning of Europe of the Jews. Hitler then ordered a union with Austria, making Austria a province of Germany. -
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Publicly, this agreement stated that the two countries,Germany and the Soviet Union would not attack each other. -
Period: to
World War Two
World War Two