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Totalitarian Dictators

By WillM23
  • Italy agrees to join the allies

    Italy joined the allies because France and Britain promised certain Austro-Hungarian territories; however, when the allies won, Italy received only some of the promised land the rest went to Yugoslavia. The broken promises outraged Italian nationalists
  • Rise of the Nazis

    A German army veteran and leader of an extremist party, Adolf Hitler, tried to follow Mussolini's example by staging a small scale coup in failes/
  • Death of Lenin, rise of Stalin

    Tens of thousands of people lined up in Moscow historic Red Square. They had come to view the body of Lenin, which ended up being on display for 65 years. Stalin believed that by putting the body on display it would carry on the fact he want's to continue towards the goal of the revolution.
  • Stalin proposes "Five-year plans"

    These five year plans were aimed at improving industry, transportation, and economy
  • Industry Complexes

    Large factories, hydro-electric power stations, and huge industrial complexes