
Tori Faust ~ The West

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    Comstock Lode

    Comstock lode was the first significant vein of silver. As the word spread many people flocked to the lode like they did to gold, bringing many new people. Due to the massive increase of people Nevada joined the statehood during this time. It was also one of the first amazing, beautiful, well-constructed boom-towns to become the empty ghost towns that are scattered in the west. This lode was also responsible for the soaring economy in Nevada then, which probably crashed when the miners left.
  • Homestead act

    Homestead act
    The Homestead Act Document The Homestead act was important because it made it possible for people to gain western land cheaply, thus encouraging some to move out and begin farming the land. This was the beginning of the large amout of farmers that would soon move out west. However this was not completely successful because companies bought up the land and then divided it and resold it more expensively.
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    The Construction of the Transcontinental Railroad

    BBC Clip of Transcontinental RailroadIn 1863 when two crews were sent out to make the railroad. One creating the Central Pacific railroad and the other, the Union Pacific railroad. On may 10th 1869 the two railroads met at Promontory Point, Utah and that ended the construction, but in those six years of building important things happened. It brought many immirgrants over to help build, mainly from China and Ireland. It also encouraged the cattle drives and helped populate many western cities.
  • Nevada Becomes a State

    Nevada Becomes a State
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    The Cattle Kingdom

    It all began when the Texas Longhorn cows became large in the midwest and when the Chisholm trail was created. Many civil war veterans or african americans looking for a chance moved out and began driving cattle to the west. The cattle drives created cow towns where they ended at the railroad, but when they left a few years later those turned into ghost towns. The kindgom ended quickly once the farmers starting putting up barbed wire and limiting the open range and when sickness hit in 1887.
  • Barbed Wire Invented

    Barbed Wire Invented
    First made by Micheal Kelly and officially patented by Joeseph Glidden barbed wire had a large impact on many lifestyles. Barbed wire helped farmers keep unwanted things out of their land which many. The wire cut off nomadic indians even further, pushing them off lands that used to be free. The barbed wire also had an huge effect on Cow hands and their cattle drives. The trails were sectioned off into properties and it made it impossible to run the trails and limiting grazing severely.
  • The Battle of Little Big Horn

    The Battle of Little Big Horn
    This is was one of the few Indian victories in the war we fought with them over territory. Colonel Custer was coming to protect the miners, but he ordered his troops to attack instead. He was warned of the massive numbers of Indians, but he still proceeded, and all of his men died. Though they one the actual battle the government defeated them in sneaky ways. They sent their army at them and took away food rations, forcing the indians to give up one third their land or starve.
  • Wyoming Becomes a State

    Wyoming Becomes a State
  • The Battle Of Wounded Knee

    The Battle Of Wounded Knee
    This battle was important because it was the last big battle, the last time that the indians were really putting up effort to fight. This might have to do with the fact sitting bull was killed right before and Big Foot was killed during the battle. These were some of the major chiefs and without leaders many indians didn't have motivation to attempt another big uprising. This was the end of the resistance and we just stripped them of all their land.
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    Grover Cleveland

    During this term he was preseident during a dramatic depression. He worked out to squash out railroad worker revolts and help big businesses pick up again. He attempted to bring more rights to the Chinese in the west, but not african americans. His presidency is believed to have brought more power to the president and more authority.
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    William Mckinley

    Although he was from the great ohio, many historians debate where his presidency truly was 'great' or not. Some say congress had more controll over him, but some say he was powerful and set America up well to grow even more. During his presidency a war with Spain begun, but as positves he was very much in control of his assistants and was very aware of how to make the nation grow more in wealth and well-being, gaining many things.
  • 1896 Election

    1896 Election
    This election was important because it was the only election where the populist party actually had an effect on the votes. The populist party wanted more silver and less expensive train rides, which ended up not mattering because grain prices rose again. Also most of their views was taken on by the Democrats party. This was also one of the last elections where the Republicans were siding with the farmers. For a while after this election they supported the big business owners more.