Topics Before 19th C

  • Jan 1, 1543

    1543: Andreas Vesalius Publishes On The Fabric Of The Human Body

    This is considered to be the first great modern work of science and the foundation of modern biology. In it, Versalius makes unprecedented observations about the human body.
  • Galileo Determines Planets Rotate Around Sun

    Galileo determines through his invention of the telescope that the planets revolve around the sun, opposed to the earlier viewpoint that they, including the sun,revolved around earth.
  • 30 Years War

    Violence breaks out between Catholic nations and Protestant ones. The Catholics were mainly represented by the Holy Roman Empire.
  • The Salem Witch Trials The Place in Massachusetts

    Over 7000 women were executed for witchcraft in Europe between 1550 and 1700, largely in association with the various theological battles of the Reformation.
  • Seven Years War

    The final Colonial War (1689-1763) was the French and Indian War, which is the name given to the American theater of a massive conflict involving Austria, England, France, Great Britain, Prussia, and Sweden called the Seven Years War.
  • The Boston Massacre

    Was a street fight , between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers.
  • Call of the Estates Generals

    King Louis XVI calls forth the Estates General together for the first time in a long time. Featuring the clergy, the noblemen, and the rest of France together.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre, leader of the Jacobins, is executed and the power of the Jacobins fall with him. The Girondins gain more power as a result.