topics 3-6 timeline

  • 1200 BCE

    Greek Dark/Archaic Age

    Greek Dark/Archaic Age
    This time period where not many good things happened, including a decline in wealth art, writing, and culture. Eventually, however, they overcame this period and became more powerful than ever.
  • 550 BCE

    Persian Expansion

    Persian Expansion
    This expansion later helped Greece gain ground because Alexander the Great would take over this territory. This was lead under Cyrus the Great.
  • 500 BCE

    Classical Age of Greece

    Classical Age of Greece
    There were many successful things that happened during this time period for Greece. They had many advances in their culture, science, history, philosophy, art, and exploration.
  • 490 BCE

    Persian War

    Persian War
    This was important for the Greeks because it gave them a new feeling of confidence. During this war, the Persians suffered many defeats in the hands of the Greeks.
  • 428 BCE

    The Pelponnesian War

    The Pelponnesian War
    The two most powerful city-states in Greece at the time, Athens and Sparta, battled. Eventually, the power shifted from Athens to the Spartans, making them the most powerful city-state in the region. Greece itself was transformed by this war.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great
    Alexander the Great was one of the greatest leaders in history. He was a military genius and was inspirational and gained loyalty. He used his personality to his advantage.
  • 327 BCE

    Alexander and the Conquest of Persia

    Alexander and the Conquest of Persia
    Alexander leads his troops to conquer Persia, and because of this, they grew even more as a territory.
  • 323 BCE

    Hellenistic Monarchies

    Hellenistic Monarchies
    These are a collection of essays the Alexander the Great and other big leaders at the time, which brought lots of countries together.
  • 320 BCE

    Hellenistic Area

    Hellenistic Area
    The advancements in culture, philosophy, and science were very big at this time.
  • 338

    Macedon and Phillip II

    Macedon and Phillip II
    Macedon was an important empire in Greece, however, Phillip II re-unified the country Greece. The Greece union was worried because their military was growing compared to Greece's.