
topic 13/16 timeline project

  • 1200 BCE

    olmec civilization is developed by Po Ngbe

    olmec civilization is developed by Po Ngbe
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1526

    total time line

  • 1000 BCE

    the kingdom of Israel is founded by king David

    the kingdom of Israel is founded by king David
  • 1054

    Great Schism divides eastern Orthodox and roman catholic churches in the Holy Roman Empire

    Great Schism divides eastern Orthodox and roman catholic churches in the Holy Roman Empire
  • 1150

    ancestral pueblo people live in large complexes of stone dwellings in north america

    ancestral pueblo people live in large complexes of stone dwellings in north america
  • 1200

    the Inca settle in Cuzco valley

    the Inca settle in Cuzco valley
  • 1215

    the Magna Carta is signed by king john in the holy roman empire

    the Magna Carta is signed by king john in the holy roman empire
  • 1400

    portuguese explore the coast of africa

    portuguese explore the coast of africa
  • Period: 1400 to 1450

    chinese admiral zheng he explores asia and africa

  • 1492

    columbus reaches the caribbean

    columbus reaches the caribbean
  • 1522

    magellan’s expedition circumnavigates the globe

    magellan’s expedition circumnavigates the globe
  • 1526

    babur founded the Maugal dynasty in India

    babur founded the Maugal dynasty in India
  • 1530

    spanish conquer aztec and incan empires

    spanish conquer aztec and incan empires