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Top Ten Technological Advances

  • May 6, 1439

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    It was invented by Gutenberg and was one of the most important technological inventions ever, and especially considering the time.
  • Microscope

    The microscope was invented when Zacharias Jansen and his father who were both spectacle workers started experimenting with teh lenses in order to create the first microscope.
  • First Locomotive Train

    First Locomotive Train
    This was when the first locomotive train was built and this was made by Richard Trevithick.
  • The Refrigerator

    The Refrigerator
    This was when the first working vapor compressor instead of using liquid to cool was created allowing it then to be made better till it was in household usage by the 1913.
  • The Light Bulb

    The Light Bulb
    It was this day after Thomas Edison had tried over 3000 ways to create a light bulb, he made the first succesful light bulb.
  • First Automobile

    First Automobile
    This was when the first automobile was made.
  • The First Airplane Ever Made

    The First Airplane Ever Made
    It was made by the Wilbur and Orville made the first airplane called the kitty hawk.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The earliest application and also known as the DNS (Domain Name System). It was created by the Paul Mockapetris.
  • Facebook

    This is one of the most used communication and when it first came into usage it was a tremndous hit and recently it has over a billion users.
  • iphone

    This when one of the most succesful technology companies in the history to be created and when it came out with utilization of many tools for its iphone it became and instant success.