Steam engine
Thomas Newcome invents the first steam engine -
Electriacal Capacitator
Ewald Georg Von Kleist invents the kleistan jar also known as the first electrical capacitator. Its purppse is to storre enegry. -
Spinning Jenny
James Hargeaves created the first machine to simulate the weaving of cloth and wool. -
John Fitch inveted and opperated the first 45 ft steamboat -
Samuel Soemmering invented the first telegraph machine to send messages -
Sewing Machine
Elais Howe inveted the first sewing machine -
Alexander Graham Bell -
light bulb
Invented by Thomas Edison, it was the first long lasting Indescent Candle -
Induction Electric Motor
Nicola Tesla -
The Wright brothers in the dunes of North Carolinas beach invented and tested the first air planes