The Revolutionary War
After the French and Indian War, Great Britain started to tax the Colonies in order to repay debts. The colonits didn't like this at all, tensions grew, which led up to the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the 1st battle of the Revolutionary War. about Halfway through the war, at the battle of Saratoga, the Patriots beat the British, which proved to the world they were a legitimate force. With help from the French, at the battle of Yorktown, general Cornwallis Surrendered. America was born! -
End of the Revolutionary War
Louisiana Purchase
At the time in Europe, the Napoleonic wars were going on. France desperately needed money for the war, and offered the territory to the U.S for $15 million, which was pretty cheap for over 800,000 acres! After the Lewis and Clark exploration, the purchase that nearly doubled the size of the U.S is what ended up leading to westward expansion, because people now had a place to go out west. -
The Civil War
On this day, the Confederates bombarded the Union Fort Sumter, which began the Civil War. Although the war lasted for 4 years, the South never really had much of a chance. The North had recources, better communication, more soldiers, and basically outmatched the South in every way possible. The real turning point came at Gettysburg, and after that the North had it in the bag. General Lee surrendered at Appotomax Courthouse in April of 1865. This restored the union and started reconstruction. -
Emancipation Proclomation/13th Amendment
The Emancipation Proclomation was the speech made my President Lincoln in 1863. It "claimed" to free all slaves in the states that were still rebelling against the Union, but that didnt actually happen until the 13th Amendment was ratified in December of 1865. Lincoln and Congress discussed the best way to abolish slavery, and they decided on an Amendment. it took awhie, but eventually all the slaves were freed. -
End of the Civil War
The Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
Just after the Civil War technically ended, John Wilks Booth and his froup of experiments attempted to decapitate the government in a last ditch effore for the South to have any type of chance of winning the War. His other 2 conspiritors failed in killing he Vice President and Secratary of State. What followed was the largest manhunt in American History, and the death of Lincoln hurt the south a lot because Lincoln would've been more generous towards them during the Reconstruction Era -
The 14th Amendment
The 14th Amendment, along with the 13th Amendment, helped out the freed slaves even more. The 14th Amendment garunteed that all people would have the same rights provided by the state, and that all people born in the United States would be considered citizens. -
15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment was the final ratification that made African Americans "equel" to the rest of America. Before these, the 13th and 14th Amendments were passed which made African Americans even closer to being equel. The 15th Amendment gave all males the right to vote despit color or history of servitude.