Period: to
Space Explorations.
Sputnnik was a such a sucsess for its time. It shcoked people around the world as it was the first spacescraft/satellite to orbit the earth. It was launched in the U.S.S.R. on Oct 4, 1957 and was in orbit untill Jan 4, 1958. #9 -
Mercury - Atlas 6
United States Astronaut John Glenn was know as the American Hero, becasue he was the first one to orbit the earth for 3 full episodes. He spent his time in the Friendship 7 which was a capsule inside the Atlas 6. This mission was a sucsess and is #8. -
Apollo Missions.
"Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" This may be the more famous quote ever said by Niel Armstrong when he stepped foot on the moon Jul 20th, 1969. This mission was the biggest accomplishment for the Human race but for the U.S.A. as well. Not only did it give us a clear picture of the moon it defined America During the cold war. #1 -
Pioneer 10 & 11
The Pioneer had a failed mission in 1958, but when Pioneer 10 and 11 came to launch they soared through the air. And made it to outer space. These spacecraft were the ones to first visit Jupiter and Saturn, also the descovered moons, and rings around other planets. #10 -
The Viking Program.
The Viking I landed on Mars in 1976 and was soon followed by The Viking II. These explorations lasted untill 1980. These missions were very sucsessful. They sent back the first colored picture of Mars. #4 -
The Voyagers.
The Voyager I left earth on Sep 5th, 1977 following the Voyager II which left on Aug 20th. These space craft were meant to discover more about our gas giants Jupiter and Saturn. This mission was a sucsess because it prvided us with valuable information about those planets. #3 -
The Hubble.
The Hubble was launched Apr 24th, 1990 Space shuttle discoveries took charge of launching the STS-31. Its first orbit around the planet was December 1st, 1993. This space craft was installed with infarred cameras, also a telescope. The last update on the Hubble was in 2009. It is expected to be back in full orbit in 2014. This mission was a huge sucsess because it has given us the most clear space photogrpahs known to this day. #2 -
Mars Global Surveyor
This was launched Nov 7, 1996 and arrived in Mars orbit in 1997. This mission was a sucsess because during the 2 year mission and the 4 year extended mission this space craft took 240,000 photos of Mars. #7 -
This was the first space craft to ever orbit the ringed planet Saturn. It was launched Oct 15, 1997. The main objective was to learn more about Saturn and its moon Titan. The space craft was constructed by European Space agency, Jet propulsion Lab, and Italian space agency. #7 -
Mars Rovers
The Mars rover was Launched Jun 10, 2003 and it reeached its destination in 2004. The Mars Rover has a 90 day exploration period and in that time they plan to concentrate on 2 sides of the planet. This mission was brought by "the spirit and opportunity". It is #5 on the list.