The Battery
Alessandro Volta invented the first Voltaic Pile, now known as the battery. -
Period: to
The Industrail Revolution
The Telegraph
The Telegraph was invented by Baron Schilling von Canstatt. It uses electrical signals through telecommunication lines or a radio. -
Theory of Evolution
The Theory of Evolution was finally invented after years of notes and researching by Charles Darwin. It is the theory of how living things change over a period of time. -
Rockefellers Oil Drill
Rockefeller invented the oil drill and started his own company. -
Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone in 1876. He made the first call the Thomas A Watson saying "Mr.Watson, come here; I want you." -
Electric Lightbulb
Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. He was the first one to succeed. -
Diesel and Diesel Engine
Rudolf Diesel invented the first diesel engine in 1879. After it was put on display in the Munich Exhibition, it got more sales. -
Nikols Telsa invented the first radio after the supreme court rejected Marcoins invention of the radio. -
First Airplane Flight
The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, built the first flight of an airplane, They flew a glider, which is a plane with no engine, designed as a kite, 12 times in 2 minutes. -
Assembly Line
Henry Ford invented the assembly line to increase production with his cars.