1. The Holocaust
The Holocaust was when the Nazi soliders took 11 Million people from their homes and killed and tortured them. Of the 11 million 6 million were Jews and the other 5 million were homosexuals, gypsies and such. The Holocaust is the most important event people it's the most infamous part of World war II on the German side -
2. Operation Overlord
Operation Overlord was essentially the end of World war II. This was when the Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy and defeated Germany signaling Germany's defeat in the war. -
3. Germany Invades Poland
World War II started for Germany when they invaded Poland on September 29th, 1939 starting Germany's attack on other European countries. -
4. Germany Then Invades other Countries
After Germany invaded Poland and took the civilans from Poland, German forces moved on to other European countries such as; Denmark, Norway, France, The Netherlands, Beliguim, and Luxenburg. These invasions started on April 5th, 1939 and carried out only within weeks. With the power Geramny was gaining they were sure fire to win. -
5.. Germany Invades USSR
Germany invades their ally USSR on June 20th, 1941 distroying the Axis powers pretty much and sending Germany on a downward spiral. Hitler then became irrational wikth his decisions and lost trust from Germany's other allies as well as their people. -
6. Germany's First Defeat
Germany's firtst defeat was in the Battle of Britian on June 22nd, 1940. -
7. Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad took place during the last part of 1942 and early 1943. The Battle of Stalingrad was between the Soviet Union and Germany. Germany surrendered the battle after the soilders were nearly starving. This was a huge turning point in the war sending the Allies to victory. -
8. The Enabling Act
The Enabling Act was issued by Paul Von Hindenburg in 1933 giving Hitler the power to make executive decisions, thus giving him the power to move citizens and torture them. -
9. Hitler's Death and German's Surrender
After the Battle of Stalingrad Hitler knew the allies were going to win so he killed himself on April 30th, 1945. Then afterwards Germany surrendered the war on May 7th, 1945. -
10. World War II Peace agreements
After World War II Germany faced many obstacles in order to maintain it's state as a country. Germany agreed to sign a peace treaty, and means of repay the citizens affected by the war