
Top 10 Events Of The Civil Rights Era

By Andre_L
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    The Order issued by president Harry S.Truman abolished racial discrimination and ended segregation in the Military. This was important in the Civil Rights movement because it gave equality to all people in the Military.
  • Murder of Emmett Till

    Murder of Emmett Till
    Fourteen year old Emmett till flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store, Four days later two white men beat him and shot him to death. The men were tried for murder but an all white, male jury found them not guilty. This was important in the Civil Rights movement because it showed there was no equality of representation between different racial groups.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Rosa Parks an African American woman refused to give her seat to a white man during the boycott were blacks had to seat in the back of public buses. This was important to the Civil Rights movement because the Supreme Court ruled that segregation on public transit was unconstituitional.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    African and white Civil Rights activists rode buses to segregated southern United States parts and protest segregation. This was importnant in The Civil Rights Movement because due to the protest segregation was prohibited in all public transports.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    This Amendment was set to elimitate fees on voting. This was important in the Civil Rights movement because it allowed more citizens to vote without paying a state fee.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This act gave an end to segregation. This was important in the Civil Rights Movement because African Americans were finally able to co-exist, equality with the rest of society.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    Signed by president Lyndon Johnson the act aimed to overtrowh legal barriers that prevented African Americans the right to vote under the 15th Amendment. This was important during the Civil Rights movement because it finally allowed African Americans the right to vote.
  • Executive Order 11246

    Executive Order 11246
    Order signed by president Lyndon B. Johnson that prohibited companies from discriminating their workers. This was important during the Civil Rights movement because workers could now work knowing they are receiving equal opportunities without discrimination.
  • Black Panthers Founded

    Black Panthers Founded
    The Black Phanter Party was a revolutionary black nationalist organization that believed MLK non violent campaign failed and they wanted change now. This group was important during the Civil Rights movement because they sorted to violence encouraging others to fight for what they wanted.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Assasinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assasinated
    MLK was known as the Civil Rights Leader that fought against segregation in a non violent way. He was assasinated in Mephis Tennessee. This affected the Cicil Rights Movement because it angered many blacks and left the world mouring and it helped speed the way for an equal housing bill that would be the last significant achievement during the Civil Rights era.