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Top 10 Deadliest Texas Tornadoes

  • 2. Goliad Tornado

    2. Goliad Tornado
    The tornado touched down in the town of Berclair and moved towards Goliad. It was classified as an F4 tornado that killed 114 people and injured 250. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 8. Zephyr Tornado

    8. Zephyr Tornado
    This tornado touched down in Brown County just outside the town of Zephyr. On its course through the town the F4 killed 34 people and injured 70. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 3. Rocksprings Tornado

    3. Rocksprings Tornado
    This tornado touched down north of Rocksprings and moved toward the southeast. It was classified an F5 tornado that killed 74 people and injured 205. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 6. Frost Tornado

    6. Frost Tornado
    The funnel touched down in Bynum as it made its way into the town of Frost. The F4 killed 41 people and injured 200. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 7. Karnes-Dewitt Tornado

    7. Karnes-Dewitt Tornado
    This tornado was the same day as the Frost tornado as it touched down in Karnes County. On its way through the county this F4 killed 36 people and injured 60. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 4. Glazier-Higgins-Woodward Tornado

    4. Glazier-Higgins-Woodward Tornado
    The tornado touched down outside, but before it got to Oklahoma it tore through the Texas town of Glazier and Higgins. It was classified an F5 and killed a total of 181 people and injured 970. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 1. Waco Tornado

    1. Waco Tornado
    The tornado first touched down in the town of Lorena as it headed towards Waco. It was a classified F5 tornado that killed 114 people and injured 597. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 5. Wichita Falls Tornado

    5. Wichita Falls Tornado
    This tornado touched outside of Holliday which is right next to Wichita Falls. The F4 made its way through both towns killing 42 people and inuring 1700. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 9. Saragosa Tornado

    9. Saragosa Tornado
    This tornado touched down in Reeves County and made its way across the town of Saragosa. The classified F5 killed 30 people and injured 121. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes
  • 10. Jarrell Tornado

    10. Jarrell Tornado
    The tornado is known to have had an unusual path as it wiped out Jarrell. It was an F5 that killed 27 people and injured 12. https://www.weather.gov/ama/top10_tornadoes