
Toowoomba's History

  • Birth of Allan Cunningham

  • John Sterry Baker born at Norfolk, England

  • Birth of Patrick Leslie

  • John Sterry Baker sentenced for life at Suffolk, England.

    John Sterry Baker sentenced for life at Suffolk, England.
  • Allan Cunning ham assisted Philip Parker King

  • John Sterry Baker fled into the bush

    John Sterry Baker fled into the bush.
  • Allan Cunningham located Cunningham’s gap.

    Allan Cunningham located Cunningham’s gap by climbing Mt Mitchell as he approached from the Moreton Bay District.
  • Commandant Logan was killed under questionable circumstances

  • Patrick Leslie arrived in Australia

  • Death of Allan Cunningham

  • Leslie’s main party arrived at Leslie’s crossing on the Condamine River

    About 8km below what became Toolburra Station.
  • The first head station was established by the Leslie brothers .

    • The first head station was established by the Leslie brothers at Toolburra This was the first permanent pastoral settlement in present day QLD.
  • Lieutenant Gorman, Commandant of the Moreton Bay Settlement, left the settlement to visit the Darling Downs, led by John Sterry Baker

  • Lieutenant Gorman’s party passed

    Lieutenant Gorman’s party passed through Gorman’s Gap.
  • Lieutenant Gorman reached Etonvale Station

    Lieutenant Gorman reached Etonvale Station.
  • Joe Archer and Gilbert Elliot hauled two

  • Stephen Mehan set up a store at “ The Springs”

    Stephen Mehan set up a store at “ The Springs”
  • J.C. Burnett’s survey of Warwick was approved.

  • The first land sales were held at Drayton and Warwick.

    The first land sales were held at Drayton and Warwick.
    An acute water shortage in the Drayton area caused further settlement at the “ Swamp”.
  • William Horton became proprietor of the Royal Bull’s Head Inn.

  • The naming of Toowoomba was celebrated.

    The naming of “Toowoomba” was celebrated by the people of Drayton and Toowoomba.
  • William Horton’s death.

    William Horton’s death.
  • The first train reached Toowoomba from Ipswich,

  • The birth of Arthur Hoey Davis

    The birth of Arthur Hoey Davis
  • Toowoomba’s population was 3541.

    Toowoomba’s population was 3541.
  • Mr James Taylor bought Clifford House.

    Mr James Taylor bought Clifford House.
  • Toowoomba’s swamps were drained.

    Toowoomba’s swamps were drained.
  • Warwick’s early school became known as the Warwick est State School.

    Warwick’s early school became known as the Warwick est State School.
  • Arthur Hodgson returned to Stratford - on- Avon, England

    Arthur Hodgson returned to Stratford - on- Avon, England
  • 16 September- The railway to Roma was opened.

    16 September- The railway to Roma was opened.
  • The death occurred of Patrick Leslie in N.S.W.

    The death occurred of Patrick Leslie in N.S.W.
  • Tor House was built in Toowoomba.

    1889 Tor House was built in Toowoomba.
  • Jackie Howe, at Isis Downs Station, Blackall,

    Jackie Howe, at Isis Downs Station, Blackall,
  • Toowoomba declared a city.

    Toowoomba declared a city.
  • Eton Vale Station was subdivided and sold for closer settlement.

    Eton Vale Station was subdivided and sold for closer settlement.
  • Eton Vale Homestead was destroyed by fire.

    Eton Vale Homestead was destroyed by fire.
  • Cunningham’s Gap road was opened.

    Cunningham’s Gap road was opened.
  • The Royal Bull’s Head Inn was acquired.

    The Royal Bull’s Head Inn was acquired by the National Trust of QLD.
  • Patrick Leslie arrived at the junction of Sandy Creek.

    Later named the Condamine River.
  • Allan Cunningham discovered the Darling Downs.

    Allan Cunningham located Spicer’s Gap from3.2 km to the west but he did not penetrate it.