
  • 800

    Hunt for food

    Hunt for food
    At first the Tongen's hunted for parrotfish, wrasses, turtles, surgeonfish, jacks, eels, emperors, bottom-dwellers, shellfish, and the occasional deep-water tuna as that it was what surrounded the island.
  • 800

    settlement in Tonga

    settlement in Tonga
    The first Tongan people to came to Tonga in 800.
  • 800

    They planted crops

    They planted crops
    The first types of food that they planted is Taro, yam, breadfruit, and banana, as they were easy to grow in their climate.
  • 901

    Tongen's travel/ migrated

    Tongen's travel/ migrated
    Many Tongans migrate overseas, in particular to the United States and New Zealand.
  • Period: 901 to 1000

    The first king

    The first of Tonga was named king tu’i and traveled across the South Pacific for meany years.
  • European when to Tonga

    European when to Tonga
    William Scouten and Jacob Le Maire (Dutch) discovered The Niuas (which is a part of Tonga).