Tojo born in Tokyo
Tojo Joined the Japanese Military Academy
No exact date -
Hirohito Born in Japan
Prime Minister Hara Assassinated
18 year old ultra-nationalist assassinates Prime Minister Hara, leading to Hirohito being promoted to Prince Regent on Novemnber 24th -
Hirohito's Father Dies
Emperor Taisho dies at 47, and Hirohito becomes Japans 124th Emperor . -
Tojo becomes commander of the first Infantry Regiment
Unable to find the exact date -
Tojo returnes from China, appointed the army vice-minister
Tojo Appointed to "Minister of War"
Tripartite Pact
Germany, Japan, and Italy united in an alliance -
Tojo Appointed Prime Minister
Pearl Harbor
The bombings on Pearl Harbor were done by the Japanese -
Tojo becomes minister of commerce and industry
Unable to find exact date -
Tojo Resigns as Prime Minister
He resigned as prime minister due to the reverses suffered by the Japanese armed forces and the bombing raids on Tokyo -
Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
Japan Surrenders
Hirohito announced Japan's surrender from the war. -
Hirohito Becomes Figurehead
Although he was emperor, he didn't have much power, as it was given to representatives. No Exact Date -
Axis Powers Alliance Ends
No exact date -
Empire of Japan dissolved by Consitution of Japan
Tojo Executed
Tojo was hanged after attempting suicide. -
Termination of Military Occupation in Japan
Hirohito Dies
Hirohtio dies of cancer in Japan. -
Works Cited (Pt. 1)
History.com Staff. "Hirohito." History.com. 2009. Accessed May 06, 2016.
http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/hirohito. "Totalitarian" Japan." Foreign Affairs. 2011. Accessed May 06, 2016. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/japan/1938-01-01/totalitarian-japan. -
Works Cited (Pt. 2)
"About Japan: A Teacher's Resource | Imperial Japan: 1894-1945 | Japan Society." About
Japan: A Teacher's Resource | Imperial Japan: 1894-1945 | Japan Society. Accessed May 06, 2016.