Togo land established
The German protectorate of Togoland was established. -
Togo land seized
British and French forces seize Togoland from Germany during the beginning of the Second World War and divided it amongst themselves. -
Togo becames indipendent from France in april 1960 -
Start of political system
Entered in the UN
Sylvanus Olympio
Olympio is elected the first President of Togo. -
President Eyadema
Eyadema agrees to divide power with transitional administration pending elections=Politcal parties are legalized. -
Democratic Constitution Established
Republic of Togo ConstitutionThe new democratic constitution called for multi-party politics. Also, in accordance with the terms of this constitution, the president of the republic is named the chief executive and is elected for a term of 5 years. Legislative power is vested in the national assembly composed of 81 members, also elected for 5 year terms. The president appoints the prime minister (serves as head of government) from the party that commands a parliamentary majority. -
Faure Gnassingbe Elected President
After the death of his father Eyadema, Faure was elected president of the Republic of Togo. Allegations that the election was rigged lead to deadly riots. An estimated 400-500 people were killed. -
On the Way to Democratic
National Anthem As of today, Togo's political system can be characterized as a republic(a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them) in trasition to democracy (government by the people).