Toast Time crotts- alex Lyman

By mjjo12
  • Birth

    Steve was born on this day
  • Graduated High school and enrolls in college

    1972: Jobs enrolls in Reed College in Portland, Ore., but drops out after a semester.
  • Works for Atari and attends meetings of a computer club

    1974: Jobs works for Atari and attends meetings of a computer club with Steve Wozniak, a high school friend.
  • Apple Computers Founded.

    1976: Apple Computer is formed on April Fool's Day, shortly after Wozniak and Jobs create a new computer circuit board in a Silicon Valley garage. The Apple I computer goes on sale for $666.66.
  • Next Apple Computer Launched.

    Apple is incorporated by its founders and venture capitalists. It unveils Apple II, the first personal computer to generate color graphics. Sales soar to the rate of $1 million a year.
  • Apple Goes Public

    1980: Apple goes public, raising $110 million in one of the biggest initial public offerings to date. By 1982, annual sales climb to $1 billion.
  • Lisa Computer On Sale

    1983: The Lisa computer goes on sale, only to be pulled two years later. Jobs lures John Sculley from PepsiCo Inc. to be Apple's CEO.
  • Super Bowl Ad

    "1984" Macintosh commercial directed by Ridley Scott is shown during the Super Bowl. The Macintosh goes on sale.
  • Jobs Resigned

    Jobs and Sculley clash, leading to Jobs' resignation. Wozniak also resigns.
  • Jobs Founds New Computer Company

    Jobs founds computer company NeXT Inc. and buys Pixar from George Lucas for $10 million.
  • NeXT computer on sale.

    First NeXT computer goes on sale for $6,500.
  • Death

    Steve died on this day