Toast & Butter Economical Swagtastical Time Line

  • Obama is elected into Presidency

    Obama had 365 electoral votes while McCain had 173. The Pop. votes were 69,498,000 for Obama and McCain had 59,948,00
  • ARRA Created

    The American Recovery and Reinvestment, also known as the Stimulus or Recovery Act to helps stabilize the economy. The act created jobs for those who were unemployed.
  • GDP Rises

    The naional GDP rose by 1.3 percent in quarter two of the year. Downward adjustments to the prior quarters were already made.
  • Obama Signs More Acts and Reforms

    The Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law by President Obama. The Wall Street Reform helped out the jobs within Wall Street and the Consumer Protection Act helped protect the people and their choices with products.