Book cover

To Kill A Mockingbird

By tual
  • Period: 1 CE to 128


  • 7

    Meeting Dill

  • 37

    Knothole gifts

  • 60

    Jem loses his pants

  • 78

    Miss Maudie's fire

  • 127

    Mrs. Dubose's death

  • Period: 129 to 300

    Rising Action

  • 137

    First Purchase

  • 143

    Aunt Alexandra's arrival

  • 158

    Dill appears under the bed

  • 174

    Scout convinces Mr. Cunningham to not hurt Tom

  • 189

    Tom Robinson's Trial

  • 268

    Tom Robinson's Death

  • 285

    Bob Ewell tries to break into Judge Taylor's House and Harasses Helen

  • 296

    The Pageant

  • 300

    Bob Ewell Attacks Jem and Scout

  • Period: 300 to 305


  • 305

    Bob Ewell is found dead

  • Period: 306 to 320

    Falling Action

  • 320

    Scout takes Arthur home

  • Period: 320 to 323
