to kill a mockingbird

  • Scout goes to school

    Scout meets Walter Cunningham and the dirty Ewells kid.
  • Walter Cunningham comes to dinner

    walter eats good for the first time
  • Jem and Scout found the tree

    Boo Radley had put 2 pieces of gum in the tree
  • Jem and Scout found things in the knothole

    they found a soap carving of a boy and a girl, a spelling medal, a pocket watch, chain, and knife
  • Tom Robinson is arrested

    he is arrested for allegedly raping and beating the Ewells daughter
  • Atticus agrees to defend Tom Robinson

  • Jem and Scout went to Calpurnias church; Aunt Alexandra moves in

  • Atticus, Jem, and Scout stopped a mob at the jail

    even mobsters have a soft side
  • Tom Robinson supporters show respect to Atticus

    as Atticus leaves they stand and applaud him.
  • Jem, Scout, and Dill are in the balcony

    Atticus doesnt know theyre there
  • The kids talk with Dolphus Raymond

  • Tom Robinson is found guilty

  • Tom Robinson is shot trying to escape prison

  • Jem, Scout, and Dill looked into the radley house

    Jem lost his pants and when he went back to get them Mr. Radley shot at him
  • Scout takes Boo back home

    after Boo saves Jem and Scout, Scout takes him home
  • Bob Ewell attacked Jem and Scout

    Boo Radley stabbed Bob Ewell