To Kill A Mocking Bird KKG

  • Period: to

    To Kill a Mockingbird KKG

  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri Comprimise
    The Missouri Comprimise was a finalized agreement that after the Louisiana Purchase was bought that Missouri would be able to have its own constitution- they would allow slaves but not allow free blacks into Missouri. Then Maine would become a free state without slaves.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scott Decision
    The Dred Scott Decision was a Supreme Court Case that declared that no free black or slave could claim United States citizenship. The case declared that Congress couldn't prohibit slavery in any state. This case led America closer to the Civil War, 13th and 14th amendment and the Civil Rights Act in 1866.
  • John Brown Raid (Harpers Ferry)

    John Brown Raid (Harpers Ferry)
    John Brown; a radical abolitionist and his followers (mostly slaves) wanted to start a rebellion.So from October 16-18 1859 his men started a slave rebellion by raiding the federal armory in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Emancipation Proclomation
    President Abe Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclomation to end salvery in the South (states with slavery). This allowed slaves to be free. The free balcks joined the Union Army and Navy, so this ultimatley helped the North win the war.
  • End Of the Civil War

    End Of the Civil War
    The South (Confederate troops) surrenders to the Union (the North). When the Union wins this pretty much ends slavery. The South though shows thier anger April 14th, 1865 though when Linclon is shot. This is ultimatley the end of the Civil War.
  • Reconstruction Period (beginning)

    Reconstruction Period (beginning)
    The Reconstruction Period started after the CIvil ended. This period of time is the time when Lincoln, Johnson, and the government try to get the country back on track and bring the other states back from succeding the Union. We wanted everybody to agree to be a peacful happy country.
  • End of Reconstruction Period

    The Reconstruciton Period ended with the Compromise of 1877 which was used to remove all of the federal troops out of the Southern States.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Homer Plessy and FergusonThis was a Supreme Court case between Homer Plessy and Ferguson This case resulted in court ruling that segregation was legal as long as African Americans had access to public facilities and accomodations. In white peoples terms balcks were now equal to whites because now blacks had thier own facilities.
  • Advent of the Jim Crow Laws

    Advent of the Jim Crow Laws
    Although this is not the exact advent of these laws, the Plessy vs. Ferguson case the "seperate but equal" term started Jim Crow Laws. They had to do with the segregation of blacks and whites.
  • The Great Depression (Beginning)

    The Great Depression (Beginning)
    The Stock Market Crashes. People invested in the Stock Market loose millions/billions. They are left without homes and money.
  • End of the Great Depression

    End of the Great Depression
    The Great Depression ends because the Us joins World War Two. This is because now the US has an industry in making war materials. THis gives lots of people jobs and the economy isnt ass bad because we are making the war materials.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education Topeka, Kansas

    Brown vs. Board of Education Topeka, Kansas
    Board of EducationAn African American (Brown) stood up for all the black children in schools by going up agianst the Board of Eduation in court.The Supreme Cout unanimously ruled that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. That and they said that this violated the 14th ammendment. THe court demanded integration in schools.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott (beginning)

    Montgomery Bus Boycott (beginning)
    MontgomeryRosa Parks was arrested for not moving for a white person on a bus. Members of her community were furious. So for one years her community and lots of other black communitys refused to ride buses in Montgomery for one year.
  • End of Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Bus Boycott ends and African Americans start using the buses agian. This was a big part of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Setting and when To Kill A Mockingbird was written

    Setting and when To Kill A Mockingbird was written
    The setting of the book was in the South in the 1930's. THis book delt with the problem of reacism in the South. The book was published July 11,1960.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    250,000 Americans (blacks and whites) march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial to make a point to end racial segregation. This is the day that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous I Have a Dream speech.