
To Kill a Mocking Bird chapter 5

By Gael123
  • Jem getting around Atticus

    Jem getting around Atticus
    He said that they could change the names of the characters and then the game wouldn't technically be about the Radleys.
  • Jem and Miss Maudie

    Jem and Miss Maudie
    Jem and I had always enjoyed the free run of Miss Maudie's yard if we kept out of her azaleas, but our contact with her was not clearly
  • Jem and Dill conversation

    Jem and Dill conversation
    Next morning when I awakened I found Jem and Dill in the back yard deep in conversation. When I joined them, as usual they said go away.
  • Note to Boo Radley

    Note to Boo Radley
    Jem looked up the sidewalk to Dill, who nodded. Jem attached the note to the end of the fishing pole, let the pole out across the yard and pushed it toward the window he had selected.
  • Atticus and Jem

    Atticus and Jem
    Atticus grinned dryly. "You just told me," he said. "You stop this
    nonsense right now, every one of you."Jem gaped at him.
    "You want to be a lawyer, don't you?" Our father's mouth was
    suspiciously firm, as if he were trying to hold it in line.