
  • 5000 BCE

    Paleolithic & Neolithic

    Paleolithic also known as the Old Stone Age, and Neolithic known as the New Stone Age this large time period is highlighted by the use of different tools from our ancient relatives. This era eventually lead to the transformation from a culture of hunting and gathering to farming and producing goods.
  • 1301


    I find this rebirth of culture, art, politics and economics very interesting for multiple reasons. The Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art which really shaped the values and interest we see today's society.
  • 1347

    Black Death

    The Black Death, pandemic raged in Europe from 1347 all the way through 1351. It is believed that this plaque took a far greater toll of life than any other known epidemic or war to happen around this time period.
  • 1543

    Scientific Revolution

    The Scientific Revolution was a number of events that began the upcoming of the modern science we use today. In specific, it is considered the early modern period, and is recognized as the period of time where many developments in mathematics, physics, and literature changed the views of society about nature.
  • Romanticism & Realism

    Romanticism and Realism are mainly seen as the two most outstanding nineteenth-century movements in European literature and art. Romanticism is based on feelings, imagination, and emotion. While on the other hand, realism is the belief that the world should be viewed realistically and scientifically with given facts.
  • Great Depression

    I decided to add the great depression because of the similarities it has to today. Obviously the great depression was far more severe, the impact the corona virus had on the economy was tremendous.
  • World War II

    World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history. I decided to include this inn my timeline due to this. As well as the fact that this war had involved over 30 countries. I find the alliances and enimies made in this time period interesting, and it really shows the personal values the leaders had at the time.
  • Cold War

    The Cold War is defined as the rivalry that had developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as both sides allies. The War had begun on different political and economic views, as well as fear of nuclear warfare from each.
  • Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War was of the longest, most costly and political conflicts that originated from the communist government of North Vietnam, against the South Vietnamese with the very sting ally of the United States. The war was made worse through the continued Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union leaving the U.S. with little funds.
  • American Culture in the 60's

    The time period of the '60s was probably the most controversial and confusing decade of the 20th century. This was a time of conflict and rebellion when limits were tested, rules were broken, and the traditional values of society were put to the breaking point. I chose this because of how different society acted and treated one another compared to today.
  • 9/11

    The September 11 attacks were a number of airline hijackings and suicide attacks committed 19 terrorists a part of with the Islamic extremist group Al-Qaeda. It was the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil, and nearly 3,000 people were killed.
  • Covid-19

    I chose to include the topic of the corona virus in my timeline because of the large impact it has personally had on me. People today are obviously living through one of the biggest pandemics in history, and many have created controversy behind it.