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    Victor -British Generals - American general-Dr. Joseph Warren
    British- Sir William Howe -On June 17, 1775 the Battle of Bunker Hill took place. It is one of the most important colonial victories in the U.S.
    -On June 15, 1775 the American colonists heard news that the British planned to control the Charlestown peninsula between the Charles and Mystic Rivers.
    -Major General William Howe, Gage's senior officer, was given field command.

    Victor- Great Britan
    General- American- George Washington, British- Lord Charles
    Cornwallis)-The British recognized the strategic importance of New York as the focal point for communications between the northern and southern colonies.
    -On August 22, 1776 the British landed on Long Island. British General William Howe defeated General Charles Lee at the Battle of Long Island.
    -There were three frigates, the Phoenix, Rose, and Greyhound, and two bomb ketches named Carcass and Thunder, in Gravese
  • Trenton

    General- American-George Washington, British-Johann Rall
    -The Hessians attempted to form in the town but were under artillery fire and attack from front and rear.
    -One of the American artillery sections was commanded by Captain Alexander Hamilton. Captain William Washington and Lieutenant James Monroe were wounded in the battle, the only American officer casualties.
    -Washington’s men marched to Trenton, some of the men leaving traces of blood on the snow.
  • Brandywine

    Victor- British
    General- Americans- George Washington, British- Sir William
    -As the British began their march toward the city, Washington and the people of Philadelphia were confident that the British could be stopped.
    -Nightfall finally brought an end to the battle. The defeated Americans retreated to Chester. The bulk of the army arrived by midnight with the remainder trickling in until dawn.
    - Americans believed the defeat was not the result of poor fighting ability.
  • Battle Of Saratoga

    Victor- Americans
    Generals- Americans- Benedict Arnold, British- General John
    -The British did not expect the inexperienced American army to match up with all their trained soldiers.
    -The beginning of the American Revolution mostly consisted of British dominance on the battle field.
    -American General Horatio Gates decided to assault the British forces in a three winged attack.
  • Battle Of Monmouth

    Victor- Draw,Generals- Americans-George Washington, British-Sir Henry
    Clinton,-When Clinton and Cornwallis reached the first American line in the early afternoon, their troops were already tired, partly because of the fighting and partly due to the intense heat, but Clinton felt that he needed to attack in order to protect his retreating baggage.-The significance of the battle of Monmouth is as confused at the battle itself.-It was to the east of this ravine that the first serious fighting begin
  • Battle Capture Of Savannah

    Victor- americans
    Generals- Americans- Robert Howe, Britain- Colonel Archibald Campbell
    Victor- British
    -With the loss of well over 550 men, and all the artillery, Howe was forced to retire into South Carolina.,
    -The line was supported by four pieces of field artillery, and light infantry companies guarded the flanks.,
    -Campbell gained control of the city at the cost to his forces of seven killed and seventeen wounded.
  • Battle of Cowpen

    Genrals- Americans-Daniel Morgan, British- Banastre Tarleton,)
    -From the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge4 on, the British had made early and mostly futile efforts in the South, including a failed naval expedition to take Charleston in 1776.
    -The term "cowpens"15, endemic to such South Carolina pastureland and associated early cattle industry, would be etched in history.
    -Soon, Greene's strategy was evident: Cornwallis and his weary army gave up on the Carolinas and moved on to va
  • Guilford Court House

    Victor- British
    Generals- Americans- Nathanael Greene, British-Lord Charles Cornwallis.)
    -Rawdon, who was being provided information on the Continentals' movements by British Loyalists, learned of the movements of General Greene and his troops.
    -Upon his return to England, King George III honored Lord Rawdon with his own peerage as Baron Rawdon in March 1783.
    -While there on March 14, Cornwallis was informed that General Richard Butler was moving to assault his troops.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Victor- Americans
    Generals- Americans- George Washington, British-Lord Charles Cornwallis
    -The British carried out a sortie on the 16th in which several guns in the two redoubts were spiked.
    -The Americans and French marched out of Williamsburg and arrived before Yorktown on 28th September 1781.
    -Losing his grip on the Carolinas, Cornwallis marched his army into Virginia and seized Yorktown and Gloucester, towns on each side of the York River.