
Timmy's Timeline

  • Timmy's Sleepover: Initiative v. Guilt

    Timmy's Sleepover: Initiative v. Guilt
    Timmy decides to host his first ever sleepover. Inviting all his friends, he must come up with fun games and good food for when they come over. In Erikson's 3rd stage, initiative versus guilt, the crisis is between having the capacity to plan events purposefully (initiative) or having excessive restraints against one's actions (guilt).
  • Timmy's First Day of School: Identity v. Identity Confusion

    Timmy's First Day of School: Identity v. Identity Confusion
    Timmy had his first day of middle school. The table that he chose to sit at during lunch would determine the group of kids he was going to hang out with for the rest of the year. In Erikson's 5th stage, identity versus identity confusion, the crisis is between determining one's own place in their culture (identity) or being unable to establish their sense of self and where they belong (identity confusion).
  • Timmy's new job: Generativity v. Stagnation

    Timmy's new job: Generativity v. Stagnation
    Timmy decided to quit his 9-5 job and start up a non-profit organization planting trees. He wanted to make the world a better place for the next generation by making a greener earth. In Erikson's 7th stage, generativity versus stagnation, the crisis is between deciding wether to contribute to the wellbeing of the generations yet to come (generativity) or to focus only on one's own needs (stagnation).