International Crisis

  • U.S and British Involvement

    U.S and British Involvement
    U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan. Japanese land near Singapore and enter Thailand.
  • China declares war on Japan

    China declares war on Japan
    following the attacks on Pearl Harbor and major cities in China
  • Japan invades Burma

    Japan invades Burma
    attempted to hold the Bilin River in defense
  • Soviets and Germany

    Soviets and Germany
    The Soviets launch their final offensive, encircling Berlin.
  • WW2

    Germany surrenders to the western Allies.
  • Okinawa

    Allied troops conquer Okinawa, the last island stop before the Japanese islands.
  • The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

    The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
    Ending the war in the Pacific
  • Leading to Vietnam

    Leading to Vietnam
    Diem defeats Bao Dai in rigged election and proclaims himself President of Republic of Vietnam.
  • French Leave Vietnam

    French Leave Vietnam
    were not suitable for the type of combat
  • Communist insurgent activity in South Vietnam begins.

    Communist insurgent activity in South Vietnam begins.
    Guerrillas assassinate more than 400 South Vietnamese officials.
  • US Military Employs Agent Orange

    US Military Employs Agent Orange
    defoliant that came in metal orange containers-to expose roads and trails used by Vietcong forces.
  • Extra Help to South Vietnam

    Extra Help to South Vietnam
    US President Kennedy pledged extra aid to South Vietnam
  • Battle of Ap Bac

    Battle of Ap Bac
    Vietcong units defeat South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) in Battle of Ap Bac
  • Diem Overthrown, Murdered

    Diem Overthrown, Murdered
    operatives within the South Vietnamese military overthrow Diem
  • President Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas

    President Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas
    Kennedy's death meant that the problem of how to proceed in Vietnam fell squarely into the lap of his vice president, Lyndon Johnson.
  • Vietnam

    U.S enters Vietnam
  • Ia Drang Valley

    Ia Drang Valley
    The first conventional battle of the Vietnam war takes place as American forces clash with North Vietnamese
  • Vietnam Teach Ins

    Vietnam Teach Ins
    The practice of protesting US policy in Vietnam by holding "teach-ins" at colleges and universities becomes widespread.
  • Bombing of Vietnam

    Bombing of Vietnam
    B-52s Bomb North Vietnam
  • Vietnam Protest

    Vietnam Protest
    people spoke out against the war for the first time, causing major revolts
  • Troop Count in 1965

    Troop Count in 1965
    US Troop Levels Top 200,000
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    U.S started pushing toward communist Saigon
  • Persia Gulf War

    Persia Gulf War
    The Gulf War, codenamed Operation Desert Shield for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia
  • Iraq invades Kuwait

    Iraq invades Kuwait
    The Invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990 was a 2-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring state of Kuwait,
  • President Bush declares invasion "will not stand."

    President Bush declares invasion "will not stand."
    Invasion will not go on leads to a big revolt
  • King Fahd meets with Richard Cheney, requests U.S. military assistance.

    King Fahd meets with Richard Cheney, requests U.S. military assistance.
    Wants the U.S to assist Fahd and his men.
  • Initial U.S. Air force fighter planes arrive in Saudi Arabia

    Initial U.S. Air force fighter planes arrive in Saudi Arabia
    first to arrive in Kuwait
  • John Warden first meets with Schwarzkopf in Tampa to outline proposed air campaign.

    John Warden first meets with Schwarzkopf in Tampa to outline proposed air campaign.
    how they are going to fight through the air
  • Somalia War

    Somalia War
    Militias rebel against leader of Mogadishu
  • Health of Somalia

    Health of Somalia
    An estimated 350,000 Somalis die of disease, starvation, or civil war.
  • Bosnian War

    Bosnian War
    Bosnia and Herzegovina declare independence
  • Bosnian Serbs begin their siege on Sarajevo

    Bosnian Serbs begin their siege on Sarajevo
    Lack independence and wanted to become a free more optimistic lifestyle
  • Bosnian deputy Prime Minister killed by Serbian forces while en route to the airport.

    Bosnian deputy Prime Minister killed by Serbian forces while en route to the airport.
    Sparked a revolt from Bosnia
  • Bosnian Muslims and Croats begin fighting over the parts of Bosnia not already taken by Serbs.

    Bosnian Muslims and Croats begin fighting over the parts of Bosnia not already taken by Serbs.
    Fighting over territory
  • A mortar explodes in a crowded market in Sarajevo, 68 people are killed.

    A mortar explodes in a crowded market in Sarajevo, 68 people are killed.
    Targeted innocent people who were revolting
  • U.S enters Somalia

    U.S enters Somalia
    Somali rebels shoot down two U.S. helicopters,
  • Safe Zones During The War

    Safe Zones During The War
    The UN declares six safe zones for muslims : Sarajevo, Tuzla, Bihac, Srebrenica, Zepa and Gorazde.
  • U.S leave Somalia

    U.S leave Somalia
    The U.S. formally ends the mission to Somalia, which has cost $1.7 billion dollars and left 43 U.S. soldiers dead and another 153 wounded.