George WashingtonTreaty of Tripoli
Thomas Jefferson Embargo Act of 1807
James Madison Era of good feelings
James Monroe Missouri Compromise
James Monroe Monroe Doctrine
James K. Polk Mexican America war
Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg address
Andrew Johnson Alaska purchase treaty
William McKinley Algebras conference
Woodrow Wilson 14 points
Calvin Coolidge Kellogg Briand pact
Calvin Coolidge Stock Market crash
Franklin D. Roosevelt New deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt G.I. Bill First passed
Franklin D Roosevelt Yalta conference
Harry S. Truman Korean War Began
Dwight D. Eisenhower Bown v. Board of education
Dwight D. EisenhowerEisenhower Doctrine
John F. Kennedy Cuban Missile Crisis
Lyndon B. Johnson Great society
Gerald Ford Fall of Saigon
Jimmy Carter Iran Hostage crisis
Ronald ReaganStrategic defense initiative
Dan Quayle Open door policy
Ronald Reagan fall of the Berlin wall
Bill Clinton Oslo Accords
Bill Clinton Patriot Act passed
George W. Bush Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act
Barack Obama Affordable Healthcare act
Barack ObamaJoint Comprehensive plan of action