Technology Progression

  • Steam Calculator

    Steam Calculator
    In 1821 Babbage invented the Difference Engine to compile mathematical tables. On completing it in 1832, he conceived the idea of a better machine that could perform not just one mathematical task but any kind of calculation. This was the Analytical Engine (1856), which was intended as a general symbol manipulator, and had some of the characteristics of today’s computers.
  • Punch card

    Punch card
    There isn't a specific date for the first punch card
  • Turing Machine

    Turing Machine
    A Turing machine is a mathematical model of computation describing an abstract machine that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite the model's simplicity, it is capable of implementing any computer algorithm.
  • Tim Berners lee

    Tim Berners lee
    Tim Berners Lee created HTML markup language, url systems, and HTTP.
  • Cobol

    Cobol is a early programming language that is still used by the American government.
  • HP

    The first time HP release a commercially available Computer
  • First GUI

    First GUI
    The first GUI was made by Douglas Engelbart.
  • Apple Coumpter

    Apple Coumpter
    Apple Computer, Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976, by college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who brought to the new company a vision of changing the way people viewed computers.
  • Windows

    The first windows OS was a graphical OS shell for MS-DOS in response in growing interest in GUI.
  • Wifi

    The first version of the 802.11 protocol.
  • Iphone

    The first iPhone was announced on January 7, 2007 and released on July 6, 2007.
  • First Chromebook

    First Chromebook
    History. The first Chromebooks for sale, by Acer Inc. and Samsung, were announced at the Google I/O conference in May 2011 and began shipping on June 15, 2011. Lenovo, Hewlett-Packard (now HP Inc.) and Google itself entered the market in early 2013.
  • First Apple Watch

    First Apple Watch
    The apple watch was made for fitness