Learning Objects- Habituation
There are moments when Jake seems to be soaking up everything and sometimes seems not to pay attention at all. As parent, I wonder what causes to pay attention at some times, and not others. This type of developement is habituation (page 152) when a child becomes so focus in what they do, then suddenly stops paying attention. -
Gross Motor Skills
By 9 to 15 months, Jake move so fast, walks, stand on his own and climb everywhere.He loves to climb the stairs, crawl anywhere, and stands on his one leg. This stage where the child gross motor skills (page 181) involve muscles including the arms and legs. It includes walking, running, balance, and coordination -
Fine Motor Skills
At 18 months, Jake was fascinated by blocks, puzzles, and would spend much time playing around whenever he was awakes. Sometimes he was frustrated if was not able to hold or put the blocks. I tried to show him how and let him do it on his own. This development is fine motor development (p. 182) Jake involve the smaller muscles in the fingers, toes, eyes, and other areas. These are fine motor skills tend to more intricate, such as throwing, waving, and catching. -
Development of Tertiary Circular Reactions
During the ages of 12 to 18 month, Jake appeared to show different behavoirs like open and close his hand whenever I would asked him and he laughed so hard. He also intersted to pick up a ball and let it go and pick it up again and do it over again. This stage is called "Tertiary Circular Reactions" (page 187) -
Jake's Language Development
Jake language developement started when he begun to to grab and threw objects and later internalize the images of the activities which begun the beginning of his language development. This stage started at the age of 2 to 7 years old where their cognitive starting to develop ( page 240). -
Jake's First Toilet Training
Jakes showed interest in "potting training" (page 184)be age 2 years old, but others might not be ready until age 2 1/2 years old. I dont want to rush my son about potting training. I started training him when I saw that he became more interested I bought him a potty chair. I help my son understand how to talk about the bathroom using simple terms. I have him sit on the potty chair without the diaper and read stories about it on how to do it and praised my chld whenever he is ready. -
Jake's Weaning Stages
I decided to breast feed since Jake was born becuase both of us will benefit form breastfeeding but it was a hard work, but it boosts Jake's immune system. Then I gradually introduce him to bottle feeding and it becomes more challenging " weaning process" (page 185) when I decided to stop breastfeeding. -
Jake's Physical Growth
It seems like time flies so fast. Today is Jake grew talller and gain more weight. He is my little man! He is about 35 inches taller, 30 lbs, and very healthy becuase I wanted to make the Jake's health is my top priority. This physical growht takes place during 3 to 6 years old early childhood (page 231).