Times lines

By heydo
  • When men arrived on the moon in 1969, my mom hadn’t been born

    When men arrived on the moon in 1969, my mom hadn’t been born
  • When The M-19 Appears “Colombian Guerrilla Movement”, I hadn’t been born

    When The M-19 Appears “Colombian Guerrilla Movement”, I hadn’t been born
  • Luis Carlos Galán died, candidate for president of Colombia in 1982, when I wasn’t 1 year old yet

    Luis Carlos Galán died, candidate for president of Colombia in 1982, when I wasn’t 1 year old yet
  • When The Armero volcanic catastrophe happened, my grandmother died but it wasn’t in this place

    When The Armero volcanic catastrophe happened, my grandmother died but it wasn’t in this place
  • I was born in 1996 when Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell

    I was born in 1996 when Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell
  • I had already started studying when some scientists started the human genome project

    I had already started studying when some scientists started the human genome project
  • When I was 7 years old, scientists discovered water on mars in 2008

    When I was 7 years old, scientists discovered water on mars in 2008
  • I had already finished studying at university when Coronavirus started

    I had already finished studying at university when Coronavirus started