1980s postcard

Timeline 1980-1989

  • Pac man was released

    Pac man was released
    Pac man was released on May 22, 1980. It was invented by a man named Toru Iwatani. He designed it as a fun game people could enjoy in their free time. This is an economic event because it was a very popular game and people spent a lot of money playing it. It and other games like it are still popular today.
  • First Space Shuttle Launch

    First Space Shuttle Launch
    On April 12, 1981, space shuttle Columbia went into orbit from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This was an economic en=vent because it cost a lot of money to build it and make it possible. Also, many people could have spent money to invest in the shuttle. It may have impacted the stock market as well.
  • MTV started in 1981

    MTV started in 1981
    MTV, a very popular television channel, started on August 1, 1981. MTV stands for music tv, and when it first started, it focused on pop and rock and roll. It has grown today to not only music, but also television shows. This is an economic event because they made lots of money off of it, and they still do today. People bought MTV channel on their TV
  • First Laptop Invented

    First Laptop Invented
    The first Laptop, made by Adam Osborne, was called the osborne one. Its cost was $1,800, which was very expensive. It was an economic factor because it enabled people to have access to a computer anywhere, anytime. It also inspired many modern laptops to be build today, which are very popular and there is a very large market for them.
  • Tunneling Microscope was invented

    Tunneling Microscope was invented
    Invented on August 10, 1982, the tunneling microscope was the first microscope that allowed researchers to see things at the atomic level. It is an economic event because it allowed many discoveries to be made hat were previously impossible. These discoveries led to more inventions which allowed the economy to grow.
  • First Human Genetic Modification

    First Human Genetic Modification
    In 1985, Herbert Boyer was successfully able to put genes from one organism into another. This is an economic factor because it opened new windows for scientists and it kept getting more advanced. Today, it has become so advanced that you can "modify or edit" your child before it is born.
  • Royals Won World Series.

    Royals Won World Series.
    On October 27, 1985, the Royals won the World Series against the St. Louis Cardinals. This was an economic factor because many fans not only bought shirts and Royals gear, they also bought tickets to their games.
  • FOX TV begins broadcasting

    FOX TV begins broadcasting
    FOX TV began filming for news in 1987. However they did not officially launch until 1989. This is an economic factor because FOX is one of the biggest news channels today. People pay money to see their shows and learn about what is going on in the world.
  • Invention of Doppler Radar

    Invention of Doppler Radar
    The Doppler radar was proposed as an idea in 1947, but was not invented and used until 1988, by Christian Doppler. It allowed weather to be predicted easier. This is an economic factor because before its invention, there was no reliable way to predict the weather. Also, we still use the Doppler Radar today to predict weather.
  • George H.W. Bush Became President.

    George H.W. Bush Became President.
    George H.W. Bush became the 41st President of the United States in 1989. This was an economic factor because changes in political leaders impact the stock market and other financial markets.