
Timelines of Connections in the U.S.

  • steam boat ,clermont

    steam boat ,clermont
    the clermont steamboat was the first successfully made american steamboat. Built by american inventor Robert Fulton in 1807 it was also the first steamboat in public service. The clermont inaugurated the first profitable venture in steam navigation.
  • Lehigh canal

    Lehigh canal
    The Lehigh canal also called the Lehigh navigation canal is a navigable canal stretching from the lehigh gap at blue mountain to the confluence of the lehigh river. It was built in two sections over the span of 20 years. The canal allowed people to bring goods up further east.
  • The telegraph and Morse code

    The telegraph and Morse code
    The telegraph invented by Samuel F.B. Morse the telegraph revolutionized long distance communication. It transmitted electrical signals over a wire laid between stations. They used the Morse code named after Samuel to communicate it used short and long pulses called dits and dats. This allowed for people to communicate faster and easier.
  • Transcontinental railroad

    Transcontinental railroad
    The railroad crossed half of western america it took six years to build it it was built almost entirely by hand. It was 1776 miles long and this allowed to U.S. to be connected for the first time.
  • The car

    The car
    Karl benz built the first really practical automobile that was fueled by petroleum. The car completely change the way people travel on land.
  • The steam train

    The steam train
    The first steam train was developed in the united kingdom by Richard Trevithick. The steam train allowed us to travel on land faster than a horse can run and also allowed us to carry more over long distances.
  • The wright brothers flyer

    The wright brothers flyer
    The wright brothers invented the first plane they flew it a total of four times. Near Kill Devil Hills it flew about a total of 4 miles but the wright brothers kept working to build the airplane.
  • Television

    Television is a source of information or communication and media plays a very significant role in everyone's life. Television is important because it keeps people updated and is an entertainment.
  • The opening of the Pennsylvania turnpike

    The opening of the Pennsylvania turnpike
    The PA turnpike is 169 miles long stretching from Carlisle to Irwin some of the included two way lanes. The turnpike led to the improved transportation system we have today.
  • The first console

    The first console
    Ralph baer a german immagrant and inventor made the first video game console.
    The console will revolutionize the we people will plays video games.
  • The hand held phone

    The hand held phone
    Martin cooper from motorola made the first hand held phone which allowed one to communicate via speaking. This invetion changed how people will from now on.
  • The PC

    The PC
    Ed Robert make the first PC (personal computer). The PC allowed people to manage files and other data a lot easier.
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The internet is a collection of networks brought together by a number of common computer standards called protocols. The internet is very important because it has limitless space where people have access to pretty much infinite amounts of information
  • Amazon

    Amazon is the second largest technology company by revenue. The company initially started as an online marketplace for books but later expanded to sell electronics, software, video games, apparel, furniture, food, toys, and jewelry. Its important because it gives access to those who need to buy something needed.It was revolutionary because it changed how people buy their things. Instead of going out to buy it you can just order it online
  • MySpace

    Myspace is an American social networking website offering an interactive, user-submitted, network of friends , personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos,music, and videos. Myspace strongly influenced pop culture and music and created a computer game platform.
  • The iphone

    The iphone
    Steve Jobs invented the iphone, When apple announced the first iphone they said that it would be able to support third party applications. With the invention of the iphone the phone wasn't just used for communication.