
  • Lanjarón

    I'm going to Lanjarón, my grnadma's town, to surprise her.
  • Granada

    I'll go to an apartment in Granada with my parents.
  • Beach

    I'm going to the beach with my cousins and my grandparents and we'll eat watermelon.
  • My dad's birthday

    I'm going to celebrate my dad's birthday with my family
  • Campsite Las Palmeras

    Campsite Las Palmeras
    I'm going to this campsite with my grandparents and my cousins from my dad's side.
  • Girona

    I’m going to Girona with my friends
  • Silily, Greece

    Silily, Greece
    I will go to Silily, Greece with my parents, cousins and my aunt.
  • Rome, Italy

    Rome, Italy
    After I start high school again, I’m going to go to Rome.
  • My Birthday

    May 14th is going to celebrate my birthday with my family and friends.
  • Trofors, Norway

    Trofors, Norway
    In the summer of 2025 I’ll go to Trofors, a small town in Norway.
  • Menorca

    I'll go to Menorca with my parents and my cousins
  • Christmas

    I’m going to visit all my family.
  • new Year's Eve

    new Year's Eve
    I’m going to Camprodón, as every year, with my grandparents, cousins, parents and my aunt.
  • Exchange year

    Exchange year
    The course of 4rth of eso I’ll go to the United States of america
  • New York

    New York
    While I’m in my exchange year, I’ll go to New york