Timeline WW2 - Linea

By li0984
  • Germany attacks Poland

    Germany attacks Poland
  • Warsaw capitulates

  • Soviet Union attacks Finland

    Soviet Union attacks Finland
  • Germany attacks Denmark and Norway

    Germany attacks Denmark and Norway
  • Italy declares France and Great Britain war

  • The Soviet Union occupies Bessarabia and northern Bukovina

    The Soviet Union occupies Bessarabia and northern Bukovina
  • In the United States, the Loan and Tenancy Act is adopted in support of the Allied warfare

  • The atlantic charter

    The atlantic charter
  • Germany and Italy declare US war. Hitler takes over command of the German army

  • the covenant of the United Nations

  • US-British gangway in Morocco and Algeria

  • German capitulation in Stalingrad

  • Italian ceasefire announcement

    Italian ceasefire announcement
  • Mussolini liberated by the Germans

    Mussolini liberated by the Germans
  • Rome is conquered by the Allies

  • Attacks against Hitler

    Attacks against Hitler
  • The British move into Greece

  • The Russians conquer Budapest

  • The Russians move into Vienna

  • The death of Benito Mussolini

    The death of Benito Mussolini
  • hitler commits suicide

    hitler commits suicide
  • The end of the war in Europe (VE Day)

    The end of the war in Europe (VE Day)