Invasion of Poland
Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939. This event signifies the start of World War 2. -
War Declared on Germany
Two days after the Invasio of Poland, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany on September 3, 1939. Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain had told germany that if Germany didn't withdraw from Poland by a certain time of that day, then a war between the two countries would start. 15 Minutes after the deadline, Neville Chaberlain stated that their deadline had expired. -
The 24 Articles of the Armistice
France signed an armistice with Germany on June 22, 1940, that stated that two thirds of France was now occupied by the Germans, the French army was to be broken up and France must bear the cost of the German invasion. Basically France had surrendered to Germany. -
Battle of Birtain
On October of 1940, there was a Battle where the Germans gave up daylight raids in favor of night bombing just to avoid the Royal Air Force Attacks. But the British resisted, to Hitler decided to call of his attacks. This was important becuase Allies then realized that Hiitlers attakcs could be blocked. -
End of American Neutrality
Transcript of Lend-Lease Act
Since the beggining of WWII in 1939 United States had always remained in a netrual state, but in March 1941 The US Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act. This act allowed Roosavelt to authorize the transfer of military resources to Britain, or any other countries that US wanted. Therefore, US had broken the neutrality and entered the war helping Britain. -
Operation Barbarossa
Strategy for Ofencce
On June 22, 1941, the invasion of Russia began. It was called Operation Barbarossa, which was when Germany attempted to conquer Russia through blitzkrieg (speed and surprise). They wanted to get to Stalingrad passing through Ukrain because they believed Ukrain would simply let them pass. But they resisted and fought back, this caused a delay for Germany. Hitler wasn't planning on Ukrain to fight back, he was not prepared for that kind of cold and he had already assumed victory. -
Cut Off of Oil
To stop the Japanese from conquering any more land, the U.S. government sent aid to strengthen Chinese resistance. But then the Japanese conquered French Indochina: Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, so in July 1941, Roosevelt cut off oil shipments to Japan. -
Bombing of Pearl Habor
On December 7, 1941 the Japenense bomb Pearl Harbour. When the US deciphers the Japanese code, they realize all the their future plans, so to stop this, they stop providing Japanese with oil. This caused Japan to react and bomb Pearl Harbor. Japan also wanted to show the US how much power they actually had. -
Final Solution Begins
The Wansee ProtocolFinal Solution Begins with the Wansee Conference. Reinhard Heydrich, called the meeting, and at the meeting, 15 top Nazi bureaucrats and members of the SS met to coordinate the "Final Solution" in which the Nazis would attempt to exterminate the 11 million Jews of Europe and the Soviet Union. Their solution would be using the camps, and gas chambers to simply kill every Jew that they possibly could. -
Lieutenant Colonel James Strikes Back
Reports and Interviews
On April 18 1942, and other Japanese cities as a "revenge" for Pearl Harbor. The bombs only did some damage but the raid made even more damge. -
Battle of Midway
Online Action Reports
From June 4-7, in 1942 the Battle of Midway took place. Midway is a small island that is located in the pacific. Midway was the key important place in the middle where they could stop and refuel and continue their mission. US needed to conquer Midway to be able to fly the amount they wanted to fly. US was able to take Midway before Japan. -
Battle of Guadalcanal
This battle lasted for six months, and ended in February 1943.This battle was very difficult. US wanted to check wich Islands were filled with Japanese soldiers so they used the Island Hopping Plan, and started with Guadalcanal. The purpose for starting in Guadalcanal was so they could stop shipments of the Japanese, because Guadalcanal was next to Australia which Japanese wanted to take. Basically it was to c off shipment to and from Australia. -
Otherwise known as Operation Overlord, British, American, French, and Canadian troops made their way into Normandy. There were many losses, but a month after, many more allied troops had joined. After some time, the allied troops marched victoriously into Paris. -
Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of The BulgeOn December 16, 1944 Germany launched an attempt to push the Allied front line west from northern France to northwestern Belgium. By the end of thsi battle, German loses were significanlty high. It is significant this because this battle was seen as Hitler’s last major offensive in the war. It was intended to split Allied lines and force negotiated peace, But the US was able to resist and inflict heavier losses on the German forces. -
Yalta Conference
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Leader Josef Stalin, attend a conference in Yalta. This meeting was to discuss the world after WWII. Unfortunately, these three leaders did not come to any agreement. -
Battle of Okinawa
On April 1, 1945, US troops attacked the Island on Okinawa, Japan put up a fight but unfortunately lost many soldiers as well as the US. On June 21, on the bloodiest battles was over, with over 100,000 dead Japanese troops, and 12,000 american troops. -
German Surrender
On this day General Eisenhower accepted the surrender of the Third Reich from the German military. Unfortunately, Roosavelt had died and did not live to see this day. On May 9, the surrender was officialy signed and the allies celebrated V.E day, the European war was over. -
Hiroshima Bomb Dropping President Truman was informed that they bomb was a sucess, so they had an effective way to end the war with Japan. He then warned the Japanese that if they did not surrender, something bad would happen. Japan did not reply, so Truman made the deicision of dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. -
Nagasaki Media
After the Hiroshima bomb, Japan did not surrender, so the United states dropped another atomic bomb in Nagasaki. After that bomb, Japan finally gave in. US then put some restrictions in Japan. -
Japanese Surrendered
The Japanese finally surrendered to General Douglas MacArthur. A ceremony took place that day. -
Lend-Lease Act: "Transcript of Lend-Lease Act (1941)." Our Documents. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=71&page=transcript. French Armistice: Rico, José M. "Second Armistice at Compiègne, 22 June 1940." Naval History Forums. PhpBB® Forum Software ©, 22 Jan. 2010. Wansee Conference Protocol: "THE WANSEE PROTOCOL." The Wansee Conference Protocol. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/Holocaust/wansee-transcript.html. -
Citations 2
Yalta Conference: "The Avalon Project : Yalta (Crimea) Conference." The Avalon Project : Yalta (Crimea) Conference. © 2008 Lillian Goldman Law Library. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. Pathé, British. "Hiroshima Atomic Bomb (1945)." <i>YouTube</i>. YouTube, 1 Aug. 2011. Web. 6 Oct. 2014.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t19kvUiHvAE. "Blast Wave." <i>Video</i>. © Copyright 1998-2013 AJ Software & Multimedia All Rights Reserved. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. http://www.atomicarchive.com/Movies/blastwave.shtml& -
Citations 4
"Operation Barbarossa - Strategy for Ofencce." <i>YouTube</i>. YouTube. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E78fmuGxPqQ. "Operation Overlord & Neptune (D-Day Documentary)." <i>YouTube</i>. YouTube. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIjmOcp_xhQ>. -
Citations 3
"Battle of Midway: 4-7 June 1942 Action Reports." <i>Battle of Midway: 4-7 June 1942 Action Reports</i>. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. http://www.history.navy.mil/Midway/MidwayActionReports.html. "Reports & Interviews." <i>The Doolittle Tokyo Raiders</i>. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. http://www.doolittleraider.com/interviews.htm>.
"The Battle of The Bulge." <i>YouTube</i>. YouTube. Web. 6 Oct. 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tbFboIDJs8.