Timeline with Kennedy

  • President Kennedy informed.

  • Kennedy decided on a Blockade of Cuba

  • Kennedy announces the blockade to the American people

    The blockade
  • Kennedy received a letter

    On tuesday the 23'rd, Kennedy received a letter from Khrushchev saying that the Soviet ships not observe the blockade.
  • The blockade began

    The first missile carrying ship accompanied by a soviet submarine entered the 500 mile radius blockade zone.
    Suddenly at 10:32 am, the 20 soviet ships which were close to "the zone" stopped/turned around.
  • Soviet work continues

    Despite the soviet ships turning around, detailed aerial photography revealed that work on missile bases in Cuba was proceeding rapidly.
  • Kennedy receives a personal letter from Khrushchev

    The President receives a long personal letter from Khrushchev which claims that the missiles on Cuba were purely "defense" and said:"If assurances were given that the USA would not participate in an attack on Cuba and the blockade was lifted, then the question of the removal or the destruction of the missile sites would be an entire different question"
  • A second letter to Kennedy (a.m)

    The President receives another long letter from Khrushchev which is "revising his proposals" - The condition given by him for removing the missiles from Cuba was for USA to withdraw its own missiles from Turkey
  • American U-2 plane shot down (p.m)

    An American U-2 plane was shot down over Cuba and the pilot was killed. The President was advised to immediately launch a reprisal attack on Cuba
  • Kennedy delays

    The President decides to delay an attack. Deciding to ignore the second Khrushchev letter, he accepts the suggested terms by him on Oct. 26 . Kennedy also mentions that if the Soviet Union does not withdraw, then an attack would follow