Timeline with Attitude

By omercan
  • The National Hockey League (NHL) was founded (+1)

    The National Hockey League (NHL) was founded (+1)
    The National Hockey League is a professional ice hockey league. The NHL was one of the professional leagues that competed for the Stanley Cup at the time. It was first established in Montréal, Québec, in late 1917. The NHL started off with teams such as the Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Wanderers, Ottawa Senators, and Toronto Arenas (Toronto Maple Leafs). The NHL was the successor to the National Hockey Association (NHA), meaning that the NHL was supposed to be temporary.
  • The Infamous Group of Seven (+1)

    The Infamous Group of Seven (+1)
    The Group of Seven was founded in 1920 as an organization of self-proclaimed artists, known for their paintings inspired by the Canadian landscape and launching the first major Canadian national art movement. The members were Lawren Harris, J.E.H. MacDonald, Arthur Lismer, Frederick Varley, Frank Johnston, Franklin Carmichael and A.Y. Jackson. They've sketched landscapes and created techniques to improve their art. From the Arctic to the Georgian Bay, the Group of Seven painted in many places.
  • The Passing of the Indian Act (-2)

    The Passing of the Indian Act (-2)
    The Indian Act was a law that was passed by the Canadian government in 1920 to make it mandatory for native children to attend Residential schools. These schools were built and operated in almost every province. A total of 139 Residential schools were built. Residential Schools were built to “kill the Indian” in a child. The government assigned people to take native children from their parents and were taken. The school taught native people English and the religion of Christianity.
  • **The Discovery of Insulin (+2)**

    **The Discovery of Insulin (+2)**
    Insulin was found by a team at the University of Toronto on July 27, 1921. The team was led by Dr. Frederick Banting, a physician and scientist, along with Charles Best, J.B Collip, and J.J.R Macleod. The team discovered insulin by taking an extract from the pancreas. Diabetes was, essentially, a death sentence at the time because of diets that were in place and disease complications. Banting wanted to find a treatment to help these poor people.
  • The Passing of the Chinese Immigration Act (-1)

    The Passing of the Chinese Immigration Act (-1)
    The Chinese Immigration Act, also known as the Chinese Exclusion Act, restricted the entry of all Chinese immigrants who were immigrating to Canada. It was passed on the same day as Dominion Day, July 1, 1923. Chinese immigrants would arrive in Canada by boat through British Columbia. The Canadian government wanted to reduce the huge number of Chinese immigrants, specifically through British Columbia. Adding a restriction would significantly reduce the number of people coming to Canada.
  • The Stock Market Crash (-2)

    The Stock Market Crash (-2)
    On October 24, 1929, the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street collapsed, with share prices dropping to an all-time low. A few days later, on October 29 “Black Tuesday” hit Wall Street and put stocks at an all-time low because of panic selling. It took days to reach Toronto. The Stock Market crashed because of low wages, the rapid increase of debt and unpaid loans, and overproduction. This affected many parts of the world, which led to the Great Depression, lasting for about 10 years.