TimeLine with Attitude

  • Women are allowed to vote

    Women are allowed to vote
    During this time the government allowed women to vote in Federal elections
  • Spanish Flu Emidemic

    Spanish Flu Emidemic
    The Spanish Flu was a deadly virus similar to Covid 19. The spanish Flu killed over 50 million people. That was aboit 30% of the worlds population at the time.
  • WInnipeg General Strike

    WInnipeg General Strike
    The Winnipeg General Strike was the largest in Canadian history. More than 30,000 workers left their job to stirke about improving working conditions
  • Band Aids are Invented

    Band Aids are Invented
    Band Aids were Invented in 1920 by Earle Dickson. The Band Aid has saved many lives since it was invented and is still effective in today's economy.
  • Stock Market crash of 1929

    Stock Market crash of 1929
    As the stock market collapses the Great depression Begins.