Timeline with Attitude


    Economic Change=$
    Political Change=@
    Social Change=#
  • Start of World War 1($)

    Start of World War 1($)
  • The Battle of Second Ypres(@)

    The Battle of Second Ypres(@)
  • Women win the right to vote in 3 Provinces(@)

    Women win the right to vote in 3 Provinces(@)
  • The Battle of Vimy Ridge($)

    The Battle of Vimy Ridge($)
  • The Battle of Passchendaele($)

    The Battle of Passchendaele($)
  • Federal Election(@)

    Federal Election(@)
  • World War 1 officially ends.($)

    World War 1 officially ends.($)
  • The discovery of insulin($)

    The discovery of insulin($)
  • Agnes Macphail becomes the first woman elected to Parliament(@)

    Agnes Macphail becomes the first woman elected to Parliament(@)
  • Women are legally declared "persons"(@/#)

    Women are legally declared "persons"(@/#)