Francis Pegahmagabow and First Nations soldiers
Francis Pegahmagabow was an Ojibwa from the Parry Island Band in Ontario and one of the 4000 Aboriginals to serve in the war. He saw the horrors of soldiers getting gassed. He was respected because he survived the gassing and being a good sniper. The recruitment's of Native people was strong and approximately 50% of eligible Micmac and Mailseet men volunteered. This was a progression(+2) during war because there were lots of aboriginals that volunteered their lives and efforts in war. -
Leo Le Boutillier, Thomas-Louis Tremblay and French-Canadian Soldiers
French Canadians wanted to represent the French Canadians so they joined the war. 1000 French-Canadians were loyal to Canada and not Britain. They struggled with the non-translated versions of manuals and instructions. At first they were not treated equally but were eventually able to be promoted to higher positions. I think this shows progression(+1) in the Canadian Army because many French soldiers signed up even they were allies with Britain, and they were eventually able to be in charge. -
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Mae Belle Sampson, Katherine MacDonald and Nurses Overseas
Women were not aloud to enlist as soldiers in WW1. Over 1000 women signed up to be Nurses and for other jobs with the Red Cross. hospitals were set up in tents or barns and nurses still shared extreme warfare. Women were seen as fragile, helpless creatures who were not as capable as men.This was a time of decline(-2) because women were treated as bellow men so this means this was a decline in he progression of gender equality. -
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Jeremiah Jones and Black Canadian Soldiers
The black soldiers of WW1 were restricted to just construction roles in some countries. There were sixteen black soldiers assigned to the RCR. Jeremiah Jones was disrespected for his race. "Neither my men or myself would care to sleep alongside them, or to eat with them, especially in the warm weather" said W.H Allan. This was a time of decline(-2) in progress because the blacks and other races were discriminated during the war. -
World War One
July 28th, 1914 the war began due to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Canada enters a month later. I believe this was a time of decline(-1) because war is never the answer and there were better decisions they could have made instead of going to war. I understand people like to fight for their country, but there are negative impacts of war such as discrimination, gender equality, economic disasters, and the loss of lives. -
Nellie McClung
She believes war is not a good solution. Nellie lives in Winnipeg and has a strong disbelief that war is not the answer. This represents decline(-1) because she is very against what was happening at the time and what it stands for. Her main argument is how it makes rich men poor and strong men weak meaning the only thing the war is good for is to hurt you or loved ones. She also believes that women do not have a say about the war and men just want to prove that violence is the answer. -
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War Taxes
The government was forced to take money from citizens to finance the war. All items were taxed. The government started taxing the incomes of businesses. Personal income tax was introduced under the Income War Act in 1917, was also thought as short-term. Those who ere fighting overseas or those who made under $2000/year were excused but every other person must have paid taxes. This was a time of decline(-2) because the government was so poor they had to take citizens hard earned money. -
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Enemy Aliens
Some Canadians believed that Canadians with enemy backgrounds were spies and enemies. Filled with propaganda from citizens, it was shown by images in newspapers.When women were given voting rights, the government seized votes of the aliens without announcing it. Also, their businesses were attacked, clubs closed, and people were arrested and held in camps forcing them to do hard labor. This was a time of decline(-1) because people believed they were enemies while living in our country. -
Maritime Agriculture
The maritime agriculture began to struggle in the 1920's because of competition from American, Australian, and British Colombian competitors. The farms dependent on local markets struggled because of the lack of local markets and the other countries may have had more remote locations. I believe this was a decline(-1) in agriculture because instead of getting locally sourced products to support the community's economy, the products you are buying and eating are from foreign countries. -
Medical Development
The first sign of antibiotic medicine was first developed in the early 1920's. They were used to treat any minor and major sicknesses and diseases. The antibiotics may not have been 100% reliable because of the less advanced technology. I believe that this is the start of progression(+2) after the war. This is because there was a development in medicine that could be used to treat diseases that could have been used in the war.