Timeline With Attitude

By aatanas
  • The Beginning of the War

    The Beginning of the War
    The beginning of war was a time of process and decline for Canada and Canada as a nation
  • Improvement of Technology

    Improvement of Technology
    The beginning of the war helped Canada to develop new technology to fight in the war. This was a time of process (+2), for the improvement of technology led us to where we are today
  • Equality was on the Rise

    Equality was on the Rise
    The war brought equality between women because they had an opportunity to have better jobs, or, the jobs of men, while they were away fighting in war. They were able to support their families while their husbands were away at war. Now, women and men can share the same jobs. This showed a time of process, because of the result of women being able to have better job opportunities (+2)
  • Discrimination of those in the War

    Although there was beginning to be equality between men and women, those of different races still underwent discrimination. This shows decline (-2) because this is not fair because even if these people helped out and contributed in the war, they still faced discrimination
  • Fighting in the War

    Fighting in the War
    When at war. the soldiers faced horrible consequences while fighting in the trenches. This could be physical or psychological effects, such as post traumatic stress disorder. This shows a time of decline (-1), for many people died and many families lost people.
  • Economy

    During the war, it was said that "unemployment disappeared" and most people became employed. This shows process (+1) because people are becoming employed and getting payed, but during this time, Canada spent a great amount of money for the war, which put Canada in debt (-1). This is a period of decline because debt can be bad if it is not handled.
  • Period: to

    Years of Process or Decline

    The events on this timeline range from the year 1914-1929. These events caused process or decline in Canada. Most of the events in 1920 have no specific year of occurrence, they just occur in 1920 and are usually relevant throughout 1920.
  • Consequences after War

    Consequences after War
    For returning soldiers, there were consequences. Some soldiers became disabled of injured. This is an example of decline (-1), because this was a stressful time for these veterans, they could not work for long periods of time, and they needed to cope with this change in their lives.
  • Women were still Continuing to Struggle

    Even if women now had to right to vote, they were still struggling to find a decent wage at a decent job. This shows decline (-1) because it was not fair for women to get payed less or need to struggle to find a job
  • The Modern Age

    The Modern Age
    The roaring twenties occurred after the war ended. People became happier when they were home, safe, and reunited with their families. The modern age began: movies, jazz, radio, became more popular. This is a time of process (+1) because the development of the cinemas, radio, etc brought us to where we are today.
  • Conflict of the Roaring Twenties

    Conflict of the Roaring Twenties
    Even if the roaring twenties seemed like more fun and happier time, there was some conflict associated with this. More people moved to the urban areas and left the rural areas to find job opportunities, and left their farms behind. Prairie farmers had a collapse in wheat productions. This caused decline (-1) because of the fall in wheat production for wheat farmers.