Birth, Seattle, WA.
Enrolls in the Lakeside School in Seattle, where he first used a computer.
Began his interest in computers and programming. Began programming with fellow classmate, Paul Allen.
Began school at Harvard University.
Started Micro-Soft with Paul Allen in Albuquerque, NM.
Dropped the hyphen in Micro-Soft and changed company name to Microsoft.
Takes a leave of absence from Harvard to work on his and Allen's company.
Microsoft went global and had 30 percent of the world's computers running on its software.
Microsoft launched Windows.
Microsoft headquarters moves to Redmond, Washington and shortly after, the company finally goes public.
Becomes the youngest billionaire ever at 31 years old.
Founded Corbis. In that same year, Microsoft introduced Microsoft Office.
Married Melinda Gates.
Microsoft introduced Windows '95 to the world.
Published his book Business @ the Speed of Thought.
Stepped down as CEO of Microsoft and became chief software architect.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is formed.
Queen Elizabeth II bestowed Gates with an honorary knighthood for his contributions to the UK.
Graduated from Harvard University.