Timeline: The Interwar Years 1919-1939

  • Period: to

    enterwar years 1919-1939

  • The treaty of Versailles is Signed

    treaty of Versailles the treaty ends world war 1
  • November 1920: The First Meeting of the League of Nations

    November 1920: The First Meeting of the League of Nations
    League of Nations meets for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • The Washington Conference is Held

    The Washington Conference is Held
    United States convenes the Washington Conference, attended by Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal.
  • The Locarno Pacts are Signed

    The Locarno Pacts are Signed
    The Locarno Pacts are signed in efforts to stabilize relations with Germany and its neighbors.
  • The Spanish Monarchy is Overthrown and The Republic Is Born

    A provisional government is established to take Spain from monarchy to republicanism.
  • General Gyula Gombos Comes to Power in Hungary

     General Gyula Gombos Comes to Power in Hungary
    Gombos becomes prime minister, an office he uses like a dictatorship, setting the tone for Hungarian government during the remaining inter-war years.
  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    In an attempt to reel in the chaos of the German government, President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor.
  • Communist Party Members are Expelled by Stalin

    Stalin's Central Purge Commission, created in 1933, publicly investigates and tries many party members for treason as Stalin seeks to rid the party of oppositon
  • Leon Blum's Popular Front Government Comes

     Leon Blum's Popular Front Government Comes
    Generals Goded, Mola, and Francisco Franco lead troops in rebellion against the republic, sparking the Spanish Civil War.
  • Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica

     Spanish Nationalists Bomb Guernica
    small northern town of Guernica is bombed, and civilians are gunned down as they flee the scene. In this brutal massacre 1500 die and 800 are wounded, but the military targets in the town remain intact.
  • The Spanish Civil War Ends

    Madrid falls to Francisco Franco's forces, effectively ending the Spanish Civil War. Franco's oppressive dictatorship begins.
  • The Munich Pact is Signed

    Britain and France appease Hitler by signing the Munich Pact, which grants Hitler control of the Czech Sudetenland.