Timeline: The great Gatsby_Mirna Fayad

  • Nick Carraway

    Nick Carraway is born in a Midwestern City. We know because he turns 30 in 1922, the summer novel takes place.
  • Meeting between Gatsby and Dan

    James Gatz who is 17 years old was working on the Lake Superior when he meets Dan Cody and start working for him. He also change his name to Jay Gatsby.
  • Myrtle and George

    Myrtle marries George Wilson. (We know this because Wilson tells Michaelis that he and Myrtle have been married 12 years by the summer of 1922 when the novel takes place.)
  • Death of Dan Cody

    Dan Cody is dead in 1912. He leaves 25,000$ to Gatsby but Ella Kaye her wife uses legal means to take away his inheritance. Gatsby has still learned polished manners and how the rich act.
  • Yale University

    Nick Carraway graduates from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, and goes to fight in WWI. Tom Buchanan also graduates from Yale University.
  • Golf

    Jordan becomes a professional golfer. She is later mired in a cheating scandal, but nothing is proven.
  • Daisy marries Tom Buchanan

    After Gatsby went to the war, Daisy met Tom Buchanan and one year after that she's now marrying him.
  • Affair of Tom Buchanan

    During his honeymoon with Daisy, Tom had an affair with a chambermaid and they had an accident together. It went all over the news.
  • Chicago

    The Buchanans move to Chicago, where Nick visits them for 2 days, then to East Egg on Long Island, New York.
  • Tom and Myrtle

    Tom had an affair with Myrtle Wilson. She is married to George Wilson. They both don't love the person they married too.
  • The first invitation

    Nick is invited to one of the parties of Gatsby and finally meets him. He's one of the few people who got invited.
  • Tom and Gatsby meeting.

    Tom Buchanan meets Jay Gatsby when he stopped by his house in the middle of a horseback ride. He was with another man and a woman. Tom and Daisy got to one of the parties of Gatsby the same month.
  • Daisy and Gatsby's fight

    In this summer, Daisy invited Nick and Gatsby to diner. She planned with Gatsby to reveal their love but anything happend like that. She said to Gatsby that she did love Tom at a a certain moment and didn't wan to renounce Tom. She finally decide to stay with Tom.
  • Death of Myrtle

    On the way back from the hotel, Daisy was driving with Gatsby in the car. Daisy hit Myrtle Wilson with the car and killed her. Tom convinced Geroge that it's Gatsby who was driving the car and killed her.
  • Death of Gatsby and George

    When George heard from Tom about what Gatsby did to Myrtle, he came to his house and shot him when he was in his pool. After that George killed himself with the gun.
  • The funeral

    At the funeral of Jay Gatsby, his dad (Henry) came and said that he was very proud of him. Nobody came to the funeral, only Nick, Henry and Owl-Eyes only. Daisy never called Gatsby or send him something. She went to another country with Tom and their daughter.
  • Daisy and Gatsby finally meet again

    Nick invited her dear cousin Daisy to come drink some tea and invited Gatsby too. James asked Nick if he could arrange this meeting because he wanted to see Daisy after 5 long years.