Timeline summative

By yang643
  • French Indian War

    French Indian War
    France and Great Britain were fighting for control of the Ohio River Valley in North America. Great Britain won the war, but Great Britain was in big debt afterwards. This debt led them to taxing the colonists heavily, creating the first major dispute between the colonists and the crown. W
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British parliament passed the Stamp act as a way to help pay the British troops stationed in the colonies during the seven years of war. The act required the colonists to pay for various forms of paper, documents, and cards.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a fight between the British soldiers and the colonists. This fight was because of the taxes that the British had started to tax them with, which led them to cry and say "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!" This started to annoy the British so the British fired shots and the massacre started.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend act was a series of measures that the British had passed in the parliament. The colonists who had no representation in the parliament saw a power of abuse. These acts kept leading to fights and arguments.
  • Battle Lexington & Concord

     Battle Lexington & Concord
    Thomas Gage was a royal governor of Massachusetts and was tasked by the British Parliament. Gage had inflamed the tension between the motherland and the colonies he had also written a draft of Coercive acts which punished the colonists when that rebelled against the King. Gage facing threat order for weapons and other goods to be stored at Concord which was 20 miles northwest of Boston. But Gage had underestimated the colonists courage and determination.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    By this time the tension between the colonists and Britain had escalated. After the Lexington & Concord battle the British retreated to their camp in Boston. Gage was under pressure from the colonists rebellion but in June the British had reinforcement and were ready to implant the new strategy. The detail was somehow leaked however violent crashes would be known as the Bunker Hill signalling that the colonists would not be easily extinguished.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    In the Battle of Saratoga the British had a strategy called the three-pronged attack on New York. They had three different army groups converging near Albany. The Huston River Valley had become the critical route for the invasion. Burgoyne had gone as planned but the other team had been caught up and so Burgonye had to surrender to Gates.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    After six years of war the British and colonists were exhausted. Both sides were seeking a definitive victory and so George Washington and his army decide that they would strike the British in New York. Washington and his France ally bet on the south where they were assured critical naval support.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was finally put out as an end of the war between the British and colonists, not only was it between the United States and Great Britain but France, Spain, and the Netherlands. The three American negotiators John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay proved themselves ready for world stage. To make sure they wouldn't break deals on the Treaty they signed three original copies.