timeline since my birth By Sam Page

By 19page
  • I am born

    Here is where iIwas born , a young baby in Raleigh North carolina . Of course this is a big event for me because this is the day I was born , without this day there would be no Sam Page. Info from My mom
  • NASA's Mars Odyssey space probe mission

    NASA's Mars Odyssey space probe mission
    NASA's Mars Odyssey space probe starts mission to map out all of Mars . info from www.HistoryOrb.com
  • US space shuttle Columbia crashes.

    US space shuttle Columbia crashes.
    US shuttle Columbia crashes and kills all the astronouts on board. Research says that the shuttle disentegrated beacuse of a breach in the left wing . Info from ww.historyOrb.com
  • Spain is rocked by terrorist attacks, killing more than 200.

    Spain is rocked by terrorist attacks, killing more than 200.
    Spain is rocked by terroist attacks Al Queada takes reponsability of the actions . info from www.infoplease.com
  • Super Bowl XXXIX

    Super Bowl  XXXIX
    New England patriots ( MY TEAM!!!) beat the Philidelphia Eagles 24-21 . The win was a amazing succsess for the Patriots me especially love the patriots . info from www.infoplease.com
  • Tennesse tornadoes

    Tennesse tornadoes
    In Tennesse a huge mass of tornadoes hit and kill many peaople , the hardest one that hit killed a total of 29 people .This sad event was reported on April 2. link :http://www.historyorb.com/events/date/2006
  • More NASA

    More NASA
    Nasa's pheonix space ship is launched.It's mission is to collect info on rocks ,weather , and other data back to a satelite orbiting earth back to NASA .
  • Barack Obama is elected

    Barack Obama is elected
    Barack Obama the first african-american president is elected .
  • Bombings in Iraq

    Bombings in Iraq
    A series of bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, kills 101 and injures 565 others.
  • Major earthquake in haiti

    Major earthquake in haiti
    Earthquake occurs in Haiti killing 230,000 and destroying many buildings .To this day we are still doing our best job to give them food ,education,and homes.
  • Osama bin Laden

    Osama bin Laden
    Osama bin laden the mastermind behind many terrorist attacks was killed by a members from seal team 6 .He was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
  • Bomb attacks in Iraq

    Bomb attacks in Iraq
    A series of bomb attacks across 12 Iraqi cities kills 60 and injures 200 people throughout the area's.