Civil War: Kansas-Nebraska Act
A law passed by Congress in 1854. It divided Missouri, Iowa, and Minnesota into Kansas and Nebraska. -
Civil War: John Brown's Raid
A white abolitionist named John Brown, accompanied by 20 men in his party were to seize a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The raid itself was an attempt to stat an armed slave revolt. -
Civil War: Civil War Begins
Civil War began with the attack and surrender of Fort Sumter. Following secession of seven Southern States. -
Reconstruction: Black Codes
Laws and codes that were passed for pro-slavery. They were made specifically to limit rights to African Americans and reastablish White's supremacy. -
Industrialization: Transcontinental Railroad Completed
This was a train route across the United States built mainly by Chinese. Two railroad companies worked on it, the Union Pacific and Central Pacific. The two lines met in Utah. -
The Gilded Age: Panic of 1873
This panis was a financial crisis that triggered a depression in North America and Europe. It lasted from 1873 -- 1879. -
The Gilded Age: Alexander Graham Bell Invents Telephone
Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray both invented a telephone, however Alexander got his pantented first. The first sentence heard over the telephone was "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you." -
Reconstruction: Compromise of 1877
This compromise ended the Reconstruction Era. It was an unwritten compromise that also ended the disputed presidential election of 1876 and pulled federal troops out of state politics in the South. -
The Gilded Age: Railroads Create Time Zones
This solution solved the problem in which each train station set it's own clock which confused passengers and made it difficult to coordinate times with other trains. In turn four time zones were created enabling easier coordination of times. -
Industrialization: Interstate Commerce Act
This was an act focusing on trains and railroads. It's main purpose was to regulate the railroad industry, particularly its monopolistic practices. -
Industrialization: Anti-Trust Act
This act opposed monopolies. It prohibited any contract, conspiracy, or combination of business interests in restraint or foreign or interstate trade. -
Imperialism: Queen Liliuokalani Overthrown
Hawaii was annexed to the United States, forcing Liliuokalani to give up her thrown. The problem started with the Bayonet Constitution which Liliuokalani didn't like and wrote another one, angering the United States. Tensionsrose and they wanted full control of the Hawaii government. -
Reconstruction: Plessy vs. Ferguson
Homer Plessy sat in the "White's" section in the car of an East Louisiana Railroad. This caused problems and Plessy was being sued. The outcome upheld the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal." -
Imperialism: Spanish-American War
This was a war between Spain and the United States. The war began as an intervention by the United States on behalf of Cuba. -
Imperialism: Open Door Policy
United States policy in the late 19th century and early 20th century outlined in Secretary of State John Hay's Open Door Note, it was dispatched in 1899 to his European counterparts. he policy gauranteed protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China. -
WWI: Lusitania Sinking
This was one cause of the United States joining the World War. Germany had issued a warning that they would shoot any boat on sight with their submarines or "U-boats," and they did, they shot down the Lusitania killing many innocent Britains and Americans. -
Roaring 20's: Gret Migration
This was the movement of 6 million African Americans out of the rural South and into the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West. The movement lasted up until the 1960s. -
The United States joined the war for many reasons, including the Zimmerman Telegraph, sinking of Lusitania, and the sinking of American ships. The US couldn't have stayed neutral throughout it all because they were also suppyling weapons, and they thought that Germany could be defeated and they wanted into the post war crave. -
WWI: Schenck vs. US
This case was the first in many that helped define the understanding of the First Amendment. In conviction of a man charged with distributing provocative flyers to draftees of WWI, the Court asserted that, words can create a "clear and present danger." -
Roaring 20's: Red Scare
The Red Scare was time of promotional fear of the rise and spread of communism. The first US Red Scare was about socialist revolution and radicalism. -
Roaring 20's: Palmer Raids
The Palmer Raids were an attempt from US government to arrest and deport foreigners. This included raical leftists, especially anarchists. -
Great Depression: Great Depression Began
The economic crisis and period of low business activity in the US and other countries. It began with the stock market crash occuring in 1929 and continuing throughout the most of the 1930s. -
Great Depression: Major Bank Collapse
New York's bank of the United States collapses in the largest bank failure to date in American History. $200 million deposits disappear and the bank's costumer's are left holding the bag. -
Great Depression: New Deal
The New Deal was a series of domestic programs enacted in the United States. They were designed to promote economic recovery and social reform. -
WWII: Congress Enacts Draft
The draft is military service that provides the armed forces with enough young men to fill the ranks in the case of a national emergency or war. In the US, all young men between the ages of 18 and 26 are required to register with Selective Service. -
WWII: Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor was a harbor near Hawaii, it was also headquarters to US Pacific Fleet. One afternoon, Japanese bombers bombed Pearl Harbor, killing many soldiers and sending the US into a frenzy. -
WWII: Holocaust
The Holocaust was started with Hitler placing Jews in concentration camps. He was prejudice against many races, but focued on Jews mainly and he ended up killing over 6 million. -
Cold War: Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference was between British prime minister Winston Churchill, Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It's purpose was to re-establishment the nations conquered and destroyed by Germany. -
Vietnam War: Hiroshima
This was the firstof two bombing site's in Japan, hoping to get them to surrender. The bomb dropped in Hiroshima was called Little Boy and it wiped out over 90% of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people. -
Vietnam War: Nagasaki
Three days after the bombing of Hiroshima, "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki. his bomb wiped out 40,000 people.
After this bombing, Japan surrendered on the day now known as "V-J Day." -
Cold War: Korea Divided at 38th Parallel
This was a division that divided Korea into two political occupations, North was Soviet Union while South was occupied by the US. It was divided to avoid conflict. -
Cold War: Geneva Accords Signed
The Geneva Accords ws a plan concerning Indochina and Vietnam. These agreements temporarily separated Vietnam into two zones, a northern zone to be governed by the Viet Minh, and a southern zone to be governed by the State of Vietnam, then headed by former emperor Bao Dai. -
Vietnam War: Vietnam Divided
The Vietnam division was designed by the Geneva Accords. Vietminh governed the north while a noncommunist government governed the south. -
Civil Rights Movement: Greensboro Sit-ins
Four African American college students went to get served in an all-white restaurant at Woolworth’s. The shop was open to all customers regardless of colour, but the restaurant was for whites only, they asked for food, were refused service and asked to leave. They refused by sitting at the counter even when people would beat on them and yell in their face and other harsh actions. -
Civil Rights Movement: Boynton v. Virginia
Was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States. The case ended up not convicting an African American law student for trespassing by being in a restaurant in a bus terminal which was "whites only." -
Civil Rights Movement: Freedom Riders
This was a group of people who challenged racial laws in the American South. Originally by refusing to abide by the laws designating that seating in buses be segregated by race.Whites and Blacks banded together on buses and rode around, even when met with fires and KKK, and jail time.